Emperor Abu-Malik Kharata II

Abu-Malik Kharata II was the 30th ruler of the Eloysian Empire, who reigned on the Jade Throne between the years AR 472 and AR 504.

During his reign, he launched a series of ruthless military conquests, which destroyed the Olman Empire and expanded the Empire further east, into the waters of the Vhan Myr.


In the year AR 485, Emperor Abu-Malik invaded the Olman Empire, in a devastating campaign that resulted in the destruction of their capital of Tamoachan in AR 492, and the utter destruction of their entire society.

Long before, the Olman Empire had been weakened by previous emperors, notably the campaign of Emperor Farshad, which took much Olman territory and essentially turned the Olman Empire into nothing more than an imperial Satrap. During the reign of Abu-Malik, the rebellious Olman foolishly rose up against the Eloysians, and paid dearly for that decision.


Flushed with his success against the Olman, Emperor Abu-Malik II now turned his attention eastward across the Vhan Myr. He soon gathered his forces and sent a great Eloysian fleet further west than any emperor before him, even the vaunted "naval" Emperors: Damodar and Farshad.

In the year AR 497, Abu-Malik II sailed his fleet west from Rhaygos; sailing westward for months until his fleet reached the fabled Isle of Sharavan. Once there the Eloysians began a long period prosperous trade.


Historically, the conquests of Abu-Malik II were the zenith of Eloysian power and domination. Never again would the empire be as large or hold sway over so many peoples, cultures, and regions. Inevitably, the empire began to decline within a few decades of his death.