Ansilay Valley, commonly known as the "Bloodstone Valley," is a secluded mountain valley, located between the nations of Drakhara and Gwynne. The region is completely encircled by the towering Frostcrown Mountains.
Today, the entire valley is under the political control of the Freehold of Trevalia; a small colony state of Gwynne, ruled by House Trevalio.
The valley is significant for several reasons. First, it contains the only known entrance to the Bloodstone Mines of Kronar, and second, it has the only entrance to the ruins of Krone Feyr.
Third the valley is the only known passage between the nations of Drakhara and Gwynne.
The Ansilay Road traverses the entire valley from north to south.
There are only three known entrances to the Valley:
- Morovar Pass; guarded by the Dwarf-gate (The northern end of the valley)
- Trailsend; this road leads to the ruins of Krone Feyr and is completely abandoned
- Waymeet Pass; guarded by the Bloodstone Gate (The southern end of the valley)