Arathar Del Vecchio IV

(Reign: 1199-1225/4) King Arathar Del Vecchio IV was the last monarch of a united kingdom of Eldara, and fortieth of his line.

Arathar was betrayed by his eldest son Castenar, who was then the ruler of East Eldara. Prince Castenar declared himself the ruler of an independent kingdom and declared war on his own father; beginning the First Eldaran Civil War.

After the destruction of the Eldaran city of Ordana in 1209/4, King Arathar sued for peace, granted his son independence, and ended the War. After brooding over the loss of both his kingdom and his eldest son, the king fell into a deep depression that he never fully recovered from.

In 1225/4, Arathar was poisoned in his sleep by agents of his son Castenar, who still feared his father's wrath. Arathar was succeeded on the Amethyst Throne by his youngest son Agathar III.