Dwarf-Realm of Azkar

Azkar was once an independent dwarven nation located in the Grey Mountains. Today, it is part of Orrek.

This ancient, dwarven civilization was founded in the year 663/2 by King Vharig the Conqueror of the Velenkhür Clan, after he eradicated the orc and goblin tribes dwelling in the Grey Mountains and claimed them for the dwarves.

The first capital of Azkar was the city of Darôk, but the Anvil Throne was later moved to the newly-built city of Crôm Feyr. The last king of Azkar was Vholnir the Tireless, who was slain in the long and terrible War of Sorrows.

Azkar was the first united dwarf-realm to be founded in the north. Azkar answered the call from the Saar when they were threatened. In the year 252/3, King Vorlag Velenkhür of Azkar marched his dwarf army east and fought heroically at the Battle of Orgorod, where he and many of his warriors perished.

In Gratitude, his son Vholnir was given one of five Val-Khûra by the Saar.

In 660/3, the Dwarf-realm of Azkar merged with the Dwarf-realms of Chokar and Urkhar to become the mighty Dwarven nation of Orrek.