Azoria; commonly known as “Eloysia,” or the “Dark Continent,” is one of the five continents of Oris. It is located directly south of the Continent of Corwyn; between the Wyn Myr and Vhan Myr Oceans.
This continent is located far to the south of the Sea of Sand and is made up of towering volcanic mountain ranges, gigantic, fast flowing rivers, and a vast, dense tropical rain forest called the Sanjaara Jungle.
Azoria is separated from Corwyn by two enormous mountain ranges; the Hellfire Mountains in the west, and the Sha’Dur Mountains in the east.
The Peoples of Azoria
The human population of Azoria is made up primarily of Eloysians, who are the dominant human ethnic racial group.
There are also large ethnic minorities of Verassi, Kunda, and Vilzari people who are also native here, but in much smaller numbers.
As for immigrants, Azoria is home to a large population of Ralani people, who migrated south from Ralas thousands of years ago. These folk reside primarily in the north and west coasts of the continent.
There are also large Hakeen and Kratheri populations living here, located mostly in city-states along the eastern coast. Long ago, these two ethnic groups emigrated from Za’har to escape the horrors of the Demon-Worshiping Deskari.
Azoria's smallest human ethnic group is the mysterious Olman people, who are also originally from Za'har. Their population is relatively small, and their settlements are only found deep inside the Sanjaara Jungle.
The Rockdale
This region in northwestern Azoria, is made up of volcanic mountains, rocky valleys, and some farmlands. The entire Rockdale region is surrounded by tall, volcanic mountains and the vast, dense Sanjaara Jungle.
The Rockdale is also home to several major civilizations. The large and powerful human Republic of Kendar is found here, with its five major cities of Shard, Axilon, Highspire, Dragonsbluff, and Kendar City enclosed in the famous Sky-Valley.
The Rockdale is also home to the independent city-states of Sasserine and Caldera, which are accessible via the secluded Wyvern Bay.
Further east, lies the Sha’Dur Mountains and within them is the Prelacy of Al’Hazra and its bustling capital of Var Salaam.
On the southern coast of the Eloysian Sea is the Free City of Quelaara. All three of these civilizations have different cultures and societies, but each interact and trade with fairly commonly with the nations of Corwyn.
The Bronze Coast
The largest known human civilizations of Azoria are found on its eastern shores, in a region called the Bronze Coast.
Along the Bronze Coast, are found the world-famous Seven Cities of Bronze. From north to south, these are the cities of: Sionjhäe, Al'Nhoor, Xhaarata, Al’Than E’Thai, Dhal Viera, Vhal Quaaros, and Ona Miertay.
These seven great city-states all compete for resources and trade along the coast, and all were once part of the lost Eloysian Empire.
Today, the cities are independent mercantile giants, rather than military powers. The trade goods from these cities are famous across Corwyn, and has made these cities among the wealthiest on Oris.
The Wild Coast
The western shores of Azoria along the Shining Sea are known as the Wild Coast. This coast is far less populous, but much more dangerous than the Bronze Coast. Along its shores are a diverse collection of small cities and settlements.
The Wild Coast was colonized long ago by Ralani explorers from Corwyn, and even today, the Ralani influence is strong here. This region has an ominous reputation because of the threat of piracy from the nearby city of Tar Vielca on Narrow Isle. Its fleet of Corsairs prowl the waters of the Shining Sea.
The Sanjaara Jungle in this region is at its most hazardous; a completely untamed wilderness, full of ancient Olman ruins, Serpent-Folk, and dangerous beasts that prey upon unfortunate explorers.
The safest refuge along the Wild Coast is secluded Wyvern Bay, which acts as a gateway to the thriving cities of Sasserine and Caldera.
The Sanjaara Jungle
Nearly two-thirds of the surface of Azoria is covered with the largest tropical rain-forest found anywhere on the world of Oris. This gigantic lush and dense rain-forest is called the Sanjaara Jungle.
The massive jungle is home to many ancient ruins and secluded, primitive human tribes. The jungle is also home to deadly tropical diseases, and thousands of savage beasts, poisonous insects, and dangerous Serpent-folk.
The jungle is also home to the Sanjaara River; the largest single river on the world of Oris. This enormous river is literally the lifeblood of the jungle. Its thousands of branches and tributaries give the the continent its humid and oppressive, climate and provide the nutrients for its lush, dense tree canopy.
The Sanjaara Jungle was once home to the powerful Eloysian Empire; the largest human empire that ever existed on the continent. Even today, many parts of the Sanjaara remain completely unexplored and uncharted. These various unknown regions have given rise to the term: "the Dark Continent.”
Local History
Over the millenia, Azoria has been home to many ancient cultures and civilizations. Below, are summaries of the most important cultures that shaped the Continent as it is known today.
Sha'Dur was an advanced civilization located in northern Azoria, which was once ruled by a powerful order of wizards.
The people of Sha'Dur were known as the Shadurians, who built a highly advanced civilization using never before seen skills in the magical arts.
The wizards of Sha'Dur were known as the Iridescent Order, and their members wielded both the knowledge and the power to build fantastic structures, control dragons, and to create many of the magical creatures still prowling the Sanjaara Jungle today.
Shadurian society was highly advanced, with a highly educated and largely literate population. As an indication of their love of learning, the Shadurians established several well known schools, called "Prestige Academies," to foster knowledge in various intellectual disciplines. These schools were centered around the massive city of Garuda, the Shadurian capital.
Ultimately, Sha'Dur was conquered by the Eloysian Empire. Its largest legacy is the ruins of Garuda.
The Lost Eloysian Empire
Long ago, this empire was the greatest and most populated nation in the history of Azoria.
The Eloysian Empire grew out of the small, but aggressive human kingdom called Eloysia and was founded in AR 001 by its charismatic leader; Al'Dur.
At its zenith, it was twice as large as the Ravinian Empire on Corwyn and was four times as populous. The empire was a marvel of the known world for over 2,000 years.
It completely controlled the entire continent of Azoria, several large island chains spread across the Vhan Myr, and the western third of the continent of Za'har.
At its peak, the Eloysian Empire controlled vast territories and millions of subjects, all from its capital city of Sanjakar.
These conquered territories included 15 large cities: Akkad, Al’Than E’Thai, Daresh, Dhal Ciona, Dhal Viera, Eriskhar, Irskaan, Khalifar, Na'Jath, Ona Miertay, Oriad, Quelaara, S'serrak, Sionjhäe, Thiele Graavos, Xhaarata, and Vhal Quaaros.
The Empire also ruled two small kingdoms located in far-southern Azoria: the Realm of Vhan Da'Har and the Verassi Dominion.
Sadly, that empire is long fallen, which has left a terrible permanent power vacuum. Even today, there are no large kingdoms or empires on Azoria, but rather many smaller competing city-states and small regional powers.
That is the Empire's greatest legacy
The Serpent Kingdoms
The infamous Serpent Kingdoms of western Azoria are both legendary and terrifying.
In the distant past, long before the empires of man began to rise, the Serpent-folk built a great civilization deep in the jungle.
This ancient serpent civilization was called Nagendra. The capital of the serpent-folk was the mysterious and legendary city of S'serrak.
This civilization enslaved many ethnic Kunda peoples, and used them as sacrifices and even food. The Empire of Nagendra was finally destroyed thousands of years ago by King Tilvanos of Eloysia at the conclusion of the long and bloody Venom Wars.
What then became of the serpent-folk remains a mystery, as there have been many recent sightings of them in the dense western regions of the Sanjaara Jungle.
Their once thriving city of S'sserak is now thought to be only deserted ruins, and attracts many hardy adventurers with tales of hidden treasures beyond imagination.
The Olman Empire
About 3,000 years ago, the Olman people first began their great migration, leaving the continent of Za'har and landing on the western shores of Azoria. They soon began moving inland into the vast Sanjaara Jungle.
For the next several decades the Olman expanded their holdings in the Sanjaara and established seven huge city-states spread across the continent.
Eventually, these seven city-states joined together to become the Olman Empire. For several centuries, the Olman Empire prospered. Its civilization was one of great complexity, wealth, and artistry.
The Empire eventually collapsed, after suffering decades of disease, civil war, religious strife, and a devastating invasion by its most dangerous rival, the Eloysian Empire. Today, the most famous relic of this once grand civilization is the ruins of Tamoachan.
Southern Azoria
Southern Azoria is bordered by the massive Medrassi Mountains, and is dominated by the enormous Plains of Chalk and an arid southern desert called the Red Wastes.
The other great civilizations of southern Azoria are: the realm of Vhan Da'Har and its capital of Akkad, and the Verassi Dominion and its capital of Irskaan.
The great City-States of southern Azoria are: Daresh, Dhal Ciona, Eriskhar, Oriad, and Na'Jath.
Nearby Islands
There are several large island civilizations directly offshore of the continent of Azoria.
Off the western shores of Azoria, deep within in the Shining Sea are the Theocracy of Nimbor and its capital of Syrene, the Pirate-realm of Narrow Isle and its capital of Tar Vielca, and the independent island nation of the Serpents Teeth, and its city of Freeport.
Off the eastern shores of Azoria, deep into the Vhan Myr are two great island nations; the Emirate of Al’Kethai, and its capital of Azhara, and the nation of Malvatis, and its capital of Mori.