Berevrom's Keep

Berevrom's Keep, also known as the 'Blue Keep,' is the headquarters of the Silver Ravens.

The Fortress is located on the eastern borders of Derianor, at a place called "Valecross;" where the Academë Road crosses the Vryne River. Because it was constructed largely with blue-veined marble, the fortress is commonly called the "Blue Keep."

The Keep was originally built by the Freehold of Dorada to protect travelers against both Wildfolk raids as the road went through from the Wildlands, and against brigands in the war-torn region of Irondale.

Today, the Keep is garrisoned by Knights of the Silver Ravens, who use it as their training ground and home.

Young boys aged eight thought twelve come from all over the West to gain admittance into the order and become a knight someday, or a priest of the Shua. Within the walls of the Keep are hundreds of young aspiring knights, and students of religion, who are taught under the watchful eye of senior priests and paladins of the Order.



This castle was originally ordered built by Lord Adleroth Penrose, who desired to bring order to what was then a chaotic and violent region of Corwyn. The fortress was constructed around a large temple dedicated to Berevrom, which itself was rebuilt after being destroyed in a violent raid by the Ravagers.

Over the years, the Keep has been garrisoned by several different groups. First, by soldiers from the Freehold of Dorada; second, by imperial soldiers of the Ravinian Empire; and today, by Knights of the Silver Ravens.