Curse of the Crimson Throne
Curse of the Crimson Throne is a Pathfinder ® Adventure Path; converted for use in the Corwyn Game-Setting.
List of PCs:
- Brian
- Lene
- Erika
- Chuck
List of NPCs:
- Blackjack; Local hero and vigilante for justice, loved by the people of Ashara
- Brienna Salgado; Daughter of Grau Salgado
- Cressida Kroft; Commander of Ashara's City Guard
- Demetrius Davalos; The Royal Physician to the King and Queen of Gwynne
- Devargo Barvasi; Local crime lord
- Dharvayne Avratos; The Orellian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Gwynne
- Gaedren Lamm; Local crime Lord
- King Garik Eridani II; Ruler of the nation of Gwynne, married to Queen Ileosa
- Prince Gerold Eridani; Crown Prince of Gwynne, son of King Garik
- Glorio Arkhona; Local aristocrat
- Grau Salgado; Member of the Ashara's City Guard
- Hooks Gruller; Local thug
- Queen Ileosa Eridani; married to King Garik of Gwynne
- Ishani Dhatri; High Priestess of the Temple of Aleyssia
- Duke Jhoros Delavan; Overlord of the City of Ashara
- Khurzon; Local merchant
- Marcus Ezrin; Captain of Castle Manticore's Palace Guard
- Neolandus Dhoru; Seneschal of Castle Manticore and key royal councilor
- Ornelos Kalistrad; Runs the Rose Academy of Ashara
- Roland Markova; Local aristocrat
- Rolf Lamm; Bastard son of Gaedren Lamm
- Sabrina; Queen Ileosa's personal bodyguard
- Salvatore Aldhani; Local artist
- Shanks; Local thug
- Sklar; Ashanti Shaman who acts as informal ambassador to Ashara
- Tercio Carowyn; Local aristocrat
- Trinia Sabor; Local artist
- Vencarlo Orsini; Runs the Orsini fighting school in Ashara
- Yargin; Local thug
- Zellara; Local Korghani fortune-teller
- Zenobia Van Holm; City Magistrate of Ashara
List of Corwyn Locations:
- City of Ashara
- Ashford
- Castle Manticore
- Cinderlands
- Razor-rock Pass
- Kingdom of Gwynne
- Scarwall
- Westcrown
page revision: 72, last edited: 22 Jan 2025 05:20