Elsareth (Amhorst)

(population: 28,000) Elsareth; also known as the "City of the Gods," the "City of Knowledge," and the "City of Spiritual Harmony," is the capital of the Theocracy of Derianor.

Elsareth is located on the western shores of the Iron Sea, and is best known for its arts and culture.

This city is home to the famed Academë; the ancient Ravinian University of Magic, which is now run by the Sable Brethren.

As a result of its religious and intellectual community, Elsareth is home to many artisans, clerics, sages, and wizards. Many unique magical items and religious icons can be found at its dozens of bazaars and shops.

The most noteworthy of these shops is the infamous ‘Sorcerer’s Sigil,' which boasts a collection of magical weapons, potions, and scrolls found nowhere else on Corwyn.

Off the main city square is Elsareth's most famous landmark: the famous Avenue of Deities. Around this grand plaza lie twenty enormous temples dedicated to the Lawful Gods of Corwyn. The city is guarded by a group of priests and fighters known simply as the ‘Watch.'

On a great hill overlooking the city is the ancient Anfala Palace, once the summer retreat of Empress Ravinia, which is now used by a council of senior priests who govern the Theocracy of Derianor.

In addition to its other roles, Elsareth is an crucial northern seaport on the Iron Sea; at any given time as many as 200 vessels from Akros, Cyrenica, Herronford, Natharos, Pike's Ferry, Rastios, Tharnia, and Wyn Falas are moored in its sprawling harbor.

For those who do not arrive via ship, Elsareth is accessible via the Academë Road running southeast to Berevrom's Keep and the High Road leading northeast to the city of Donareth.


In the distant years of the Third Age, this ancient city was first established by a Vaas Clan, known as the Doradans. Back then, the tiny settlement on the Jagged coast of the Iron Sea was called "Amhorst," but in less than 100 years it grew into a small city. Amhorst was important both as a seaport and a road junction linking it to to other settlements farther east.

In the Late Third Age, the Cynaran peoples of Urland set sail from their Island and landed along both the Frozen Coast and the northern reaches of the Jagged Coast.

The war-like Cynarans soon conquered the entire region, including the small city of Amhorst. Although, sages say the Doradans got along rather well under Cynaran rule.

When the Kingdom of Urland was itself conquered by Ilnavel Cyrenäe and his Iskari pilgrims from Ikharos, Amhorst fell into disarray, and for a while, became an independent settlement once again. Eventually, the Harloch Clan moved into the area and conquered the city. Soon after, it became the capitol of a new Vaas kingdom called Harloch, which was founded by Queen Elsareth Van Arden; the so-called "Queen of the Highlands." Soon after the Queen's death, the small city was re-named in her honor.

Eventually, the kingdom of Harloch collapsed due to constant raids from the Ravagers; fierce barbarians tribes hailing from Kor's Twins. Led by their "King;" Garthold, the Ravagers attacked Elsareth in the year 763/4 and burnt the city to the ground, slaughtering its inhabitants. After the kingdom fell, the ruined city and surrounding territory were ungoverned for many years.


It took nearly a century for Elsareth to rebuild itself after the Ravager attack. By the year 1037/4, the city was thriving again and was taken over by the expanding Freehold of Dorada.

In the early Fifth Age, Dorada became an imperial province in the Ravinian Empire, and Elsareth became a spiritual center for worshipers of many faiths. It was during the Ravinian period that Elsareth's most famous landmarks; the temples of the Avenue of Deities, the Academë and the Anfala Palace were all constructed.

When Empress Ravinia chose the city as her summer home, it grew substantially in size and importance. During the Ravinian period, the population of Elsareth rose to nearly 100,000; which is nearly four-times its current size.

After the Ravinian Empire collapsed at the end of the Fifth Age, the city became the capitol of the newly-established theocracy of Derianor and has remained so ever since.