
Capital: Chelstad (population: 52,000)
Population: 1,442,000 (85% Vaas, 12% Rynnish, 3% other)
Demi-humans: 126,000 (35% dwarves, 10% elves, 55% halflings)
Humanoids: some (mostly goblins)
Government: Monarchy (currently ruled by the Lombard Dynasty)
Current Leader: King Hatharon II
Coat of Arms: a golden griffon centered on a royal blue field
Exports: pipeweed, gems, iron, grain, coal, stone

Erindar is the most powerful human nation in the Highlands region of the West, comprised mostly of ethnic Vaas peoples. Erindar is unique, because of its close relations with both the halflings of Grenshire and the dwarves of Orrek.

Erindar is a large and prosperous kingdom, its wealth centered around its three largest cities; Chelstad, Gresham, and Cymereth.


Erindar's northern border is the massive Anglarand River, which separates it from the Barrens. Its southern borders are the Withered Mountains and the edge of the Celadon Forest. Those mountains separate the kingdom from the elven nation of Melinarë, located within the Melinar Forest.

Erindar's eastern border with the kingdom of Alveron is the Anglarand River, and its western border with the kingdom of Elyria is the Eldir Vaas River.


The current ruler of Erindar is King Hatharon II, who is the twenty-third ruler of the distinguished House of Lombard. He rules the kingdom from the Ivory Throne, located in the great hall of the impregnable fortress of Castle Halberon.

Politically, Erindar is a monarchy, but local and administrative rule is subdivided into sixteen Duchies, all of whom are ruled by powerful Vassal Lords who have demonstrated unwavering loyal to the throne.


The twelve Duchies of Erindar are: Arkenshire, Caldanhurst, Delvanshire, Easthaven, Edgecombe, Haranshire, Herrondale, Kingshire, Lanford, Middlebrook, Relford, and Ringdale,. These 12 Duchies are further sub-divided into 52 baronies.

Prominent Erindari noble families: House Brisbane, House Durant, House Lombard, House Gilfoyle, House Greskin, House Haskin, House Mondragon, House Parlfray, House Rendar, House Rhys-Griffon, House Silevran, House Strongwood, and House Thornlas


For its defense, Erindar maintains many strong fortifications; including Castle Halberon, Athos-Avarel, Parlfray Keep, and Garlstone Keep, as well as a large standing army of 12,000 troops. In times of war, noble contingents can raise up to 45,000 troops.


Erindar’s geography is made up of rolling hills and grassy farmlands; with tall mountains on two sides and great rivers around most of her borders, giving the country temperatures most of the year. However, winters in the north can be very cold.

Life & Society

The great majority of Erindar's human population are of the Vaas ethnicity, and live a quiet life of farming and mining. The kingdom is known chiefly for her four major exports; gems, copper, silver, and coal. As a result, there are scattered mines located throughout the country. Erindar also benefits from the rich sales of Pipeweed, grown by the Halflings of neighboring Grenshire. Erindar is unique in that it is the most integrated of the western human kingdoms, with many dwarves, halflings, and gnomes found in every town and village.


Brown Hills: small hilly region in the southern part of the kingdom of Erindar.


Crumbling Mountains: large mountain range running southwest from the northern border of the Kronarwood to the tip of the Greenwood. The range serves as the border between the Wildlands region and the realm of Erindar.

Gnarlwood: Large densely wooded region in southeastern Erindar, which has a sinister reputation.

Half-Cut Hills: small rural area in far eastern Erindar.

Hollow Hills: hilly region in northwestern Erindar, east of the capitol city of Chelstad and south of the Crumbling Mountains.

Old Forest: large woodland region in central Erindar, also known as the ‘Blackwood.’

Withered Mountains: large mountain range that stretches from foothills south of the Anglarand River, gaining size until they reach the coast of the Sea of Vaas. These mountains serve as much of the southern border of Erindar. the Kingsway runs across these mountains thru Notchblade Pass.

Wolfsfang Valley: highly dangerous rural region of Erindar, located east of the Old Forest.


Important Sites

Athos-Avarel: Large fortress located at the northern foothills of the Crumbling Mountains.

Chelstad: (population: 52,000) Erindar's capital and largest city, currently ruled by Karl Greskin.

Cosgrove: Small village in central Erindar, which was the site of a battle during the Halberon Uprising.

Crittendon: Site of battle that took place during the Halberon Uprising.

Cymereth: (pop:28,000) Erindar's third-largest city, ruled by Elvana Mondragon

Haranshire: Small eastern Duchy, currently ruled by Lars Parlfray.

Traders Road: Paved road that runs between Athos-Avarel to the city of Gresham.

Castle Celadon: Large fortress located at the northern edge of the Celadon Forest. Erindar's most important southern military outpost.

Castle Halberon: (formerly the Cordova Palace) the royal citadel of the kingdom of Erindar, located within the center of the city of Chelstad. Inside this ancient fortress is the famous Ivory Throne.

Fessenden: Site of Battle in 623/5, considered the turning point in the War of the Cataclysm.

Gresham: (population: 32,000) Erindar's second largest city, currently ruled by Lyonel Brisbane.

Garlstone Keep: small military outpost located in the Brown Hills region.

Ivory Throne: royal seat of the kingdom, located in the Great Hall of Castle Halberon.

Notchblade Pass: Well-used mountain passage over the Withered Mountains.

Parlfray Keep: important military outpost, located in the Half-Cut Hills, which guards Notchblade Pass.

Local History

Erindar was founded by King Erin Fremantle, who had fought heroically in the War of the Pretender and the final defeat of Alokkair the Lich-King. Soon after the defeat of Alokkair, Erin decided that it was finally time to form a Highland kingdom for all the Vaas people, but many other Vaas warlords did not agree.


So began the Wars of Destiny, which lasted nearly thirteen years. Erin, being a formidable warrior finally defeated all of his rivals.

After his victories, Erin proclaimed himself king of the newly established kingdom of Erindar. King Erin made his capitol the city of Chelstad, and he built a great fortress there called the Cordova Palace (named for his wife; Queen Cordova).

In the castle's Great Hall, Erin placed the Ivory Throne. King Erin declared Erindar would be the first united Vaas kingdom, ruled by, and populated by, the Vaas people. For many years after the kingdom was successfully ruled by the Fremantle Dynasty.

Erindar did not join the Ravinian Empire until 251/5. By this time, Erindar was so weak, her rulers could hardly feed their people, and so the Ivory Throne was, in reality, forced to join the Ravinian Empire and that membership brought many centuries of peace and prosperity to Erindar.

At the end of the Fifth Age, the Cataclysm brought terrible suffering to the Erindari people. By the end of that war, the Ravinian Empire was gone, and the Erindari nobles were once again plunged into internal power struggles and petty squabbles. King Erin IV; a wise and strong leader, had been slain in the Battle of Harkalad, and the rule of the kingdom had been taken up by his young wife; Queen Elwyn.

The War of Succession

At this same time, Duke Eldred Orsini saw an opportunity with the newly-widowed queen and soon began a ruthless campaign to overthrow the Fremantle monarchy. This conflict became known as the War of Succession.

Eldred completely underestimated Queen Elwyn, who fought savagely against his rebellion; for the sole reason to preserve the Ivory Throne for her young son, Escador. Elwyn proudly claimed she would devote all of her political ambitions, and her life, to preserve his lawful birthright.

Eventually, the tide of the war war began to turn against the loyalists. After a deadly night-time attack on the Cordova Palace, Queen Elwyn Fremantle and her loyal vassals were forced to flee the capitol to the safety of the western regions of Erindar.

Soon after, the capitol of Chelstad was captured by Eldred’s forces. Ultimately, after this victory, neither side was ever again able to gain a decisive advantage, and the war turned into a bloody stalemate, with the kingdom now divided into two hostile factions constantly slaughtering each other.


Finally, in the year 32/6, both sides reached an agreement called the Treaty of Greypoole. Under the terms of the treaty, the western regions of Erindar became a new kingdom called Elyria which would be ruled by Queen Elwyn.

The eastern regions of Erindar would be ruled ruled by the "new" King of Erindar: Eldred Orsini.

The Halberon Uprising

For the next 391 years, the Orsini Dynasty ruled Erindar, but its rulers grew progressively crueler and by 404/6, the noble Halberon family was in active revolt.

Duke Heremmer Halberon was banished from the kingdom by King Eduard and fled to neighboring Elyria, where he built an army and waged a campaign of attrition against the Orsini monarchy for the next eleven years.

In 415/6, Heremmer’s forces ambushed and slew King Eduard in the Battle of Raskan, and Erindar was dealt a severe blow. Eduard’s only son was Estris II, a dim-witted and cruel man, with no real leadership abilities.

For the next eight years, the loyalist forces were driven back eastward, until most of the country was in Heremmer’s hands. In early 423/6, Heremmer’s army approached the city of Cordova to end the Orsini monarchy once and for all.

King Estris II decided to ride out against Heremmer, and in the ensuing Battle of Chelstad, was slain by him. The remaining loyalists sued for peace or fled to the neighboring kingdom of Amar.

Heremmer soon proclaimed himself king and immediately changed the coat of arms to his own golden griffon on royal blue, and discarded the old quartered field of red and grey, with three gold lions in one red quarter (upper left), and an upright golden spear in one red quarter (lower right).

The Halberon family continued to rule Erindar until 572/6, when the young King Hernled took ill and died without heir. Since then, Erindar has been ruled by the Esuriväe Dynasty, under King Harkon.


Under the Esuriväe Dynasty, Erindar has prospered greatly. Throughout its existence, Erindar has gone out of its way to befriend the races of halflings and dwarves, and the association of the three races has made the Erindari wealthy and secure.

At times, relations with the Amari people to the east have been strained, but overall, peace has reigned supreme. Erindar has had its share of troubles as well. In 674/6, King Halder was slain in the Battle of Krell, ending the War of Crows. In 947/6, Erindar and Ammarind fought each other in the War of the Forgotten King; a bloody war over trade and territory. This war cost the life of King Harkon II.

Most Recently, King Hatharon II of Erindar assisted the Dwarf-realm of Orrek in defeating an orc invasion of the Barrens in 1221/6. In the last 26 years, there has been little trouble, much to the relief of the common people of the kingdom.