Eto (Nusyra)

(population: 35,000) Eto is a major seaport, located along the Vilzari Coast of the Sea of Ralas, about 300 miles south of the Kerak.

As part of the nation of Vilzar, Eto is a sprawling, heavily fortified city.

Its large harbor is home to fleets of pirate vessels that plague the Sea of Ralas, as well as hundreds of merchant ships that trade with neighboring Nimbor.

Few northerners visit this city, largely because of ongoing hostilities between Vilzar and Eldara. But it is common to see Eloysian ships from as far away as the Seven Cities of Bronze.

As with all Vilzari cities, the population of Eto lives in constant fear; for the Savak maintains an extensive network of spies and informants here.

The city is ruled by a strict military governor named Khemec who commands a large garrison.

Eto is accessible by sea and via the Blood Banner Trail, which leads east to the Oasis at Ril Tar.

Ancient History

In ages past, this city was called "Nusyra," and was part of the sprawling Nimbori Empire.

The Nimbori city of Nusyra was eventually conquered by Shorafa after the Night Plague left the city weak and leaderless.

For many years the city prospered under the rule of the Shorafi Pharaohs, but when Shorafa collapsed, the city fell into barbarism and anarchy. Soon after, it was abandoned.

Many years later, Vilzari settlers reclaimed the city ruins, rebuilt the city, and re-named it "Eto."

Battle of Eto

In the year 585/5, during the Second Vilzari War, this city was the site of a major battle between the Ravinian Empire and the Vilzari.

During the battle, the Vilzari army of V’Nor D’Thak was soundly defeated after the Imperial fleet captured Eto, which was his army’s base of supply.


The War of Tears

In the year 1049/6, during the closing months of this terrible conflict, the Eldaran King; Lazaro Irazadi, sailed a fleet south along the coast and attacked the city.

In an act of utter brutality, King Lazaro, captured the city ordered, then ordered it burned to the ground and its entire population of 50,000 innocent civilians put to the sword.

The "Massacre of Eto" is considered one of the worst atrocities ever committed in history. The city remained in ruins for nearly a century thereafter and even today is much smaller in size than it was before the massacre.