Exley Arzadon

Duke Exley Arzadon is a powerful Iskari aristocrat who currently rules the Duchy of Vharia, and its capital city of Herronford.

House Arzadon

For over 600 years, the Arzadons have become one of the most influential noble families in the Kingdom of Iskandar. Lord Karkorian Arzadon; the first Patriarch of the family, was a great soldier who fought in several wars on both land and sea in the service of the Onyx Throne.

In the Year 674/6, Karkorian was gravely wounded upon the Battlefield of Krell; during the War of Crows. During that terrible battle, he heroically guarded the fallen body of the fallen Iskari King Ilathrin, although he, too, was pierced by many orc spears that day.

As a reward for his courage and loyalty, upon his deathbed, Karkorian and his heirs were granted title over the Duchy of Vharia and rulership over its largest city. His family has held the position ever since.