Gillam Gwynnett

Baron Gillam Gwynnett; known derisively as “Gillam the Kneeler,” was the last ruler of the Barony of Ghastonne, who surrendered to Valden the Conqueror. His Barony then became part of the kingdom of Valdor.

After his army was defeated in battle, Lord Gillam bent the knee to King Valden and surrendered the city of Ashara. By doing so, he saved the city from a destructive siege, but historians still derisively refer to him as "the Kneeler".

Legend has it, Gillam indeed had the last laugh. When King Valden visited Ashara after the peace accord was signed, Baron Gillam introduced the king to one of his distant cousins; Lady Naomi Mallistäer, who was the very same woman who would later seduce King Valden, and later give birth to a bastard son.

The birth of this bastard child would ultimately cause the kingdom of Valdor to be torn asunder only twenty years later.