The Golden Falcon Company is a large mercenary unit originating from Kurand, made up of highly disciplined Daroon soldiers.
Historically, this company has fought in many wars on Corwyn, Azoria, and the island nations of the Vhan Myr. The Golden Falcons have won many battles and turned the tide of many campaigns, but the unit has not always been victorious.
The Great Tragedy
The Golden Falcons suffered their single largest defeat when 10,000 of its members were hired by Queen Majadra in a futile defense of the City-State of Xhaarata against the invading armies of the Eloysian Empire; under the command of Al'Dur Kharata. By the end of the fierce battle, the Eloysian legions; made up of savage Troglodytes, wiped out the Falcons to the very last man, although the Falcons inflicted astonishingly high casualties on the invaders.
The Regiment Today
After its historical defeat at the hands of the Eloysians, the few scattered survivors banded together to re-build the regiment. Today, scattered units of the Falcons serve various independent Daroon settlements; including the City of Fang in Chiang-Mai.