
(population: 32,000) Located at the base of the Crumbling Mountains, Gresham is the second largest city in Erindar.

The city is an important center of trade, wit hmany caravans crossing the Crumbling Mts using is Boulder Pass. Gresham also derives much wealth from the prosperous pipeweed trade with the Halflings of Grenshire.

Gresham is a major crossroads of the Traders Road and the Kingsway. The city is currently governed by Duke Lyonel Brisbane.

Local History

In the Fourth Age, the city of Gresham was an independent City-State, ruled by House Harlow; an ancient Vaas noble family, hailing from the Eldir Clan, The Harlow family founded the city of Gresham, under its first ruler; Margrave Gustav Harlow.

The City continued to thrive and remain independent until the Wars of Destiny.

During that epic conflict, Margrave Marius Harlow foolishly opposed Erin Fremantle. The House of Harlow was later extinguished at the fateful Battle of Shardel, and Lord Fergus Brisbane was granted ruler-ship over the city.

His family continues to rule the city today.