The Hakeen are one of the largest human ethnic groups found on the world of Oris.
The largest Hakeen populations are located within the eastern City-State of Zhin, as well as three large island nations spread across the Vhan Myr; Ilsenene, Rhaygos, and Styr.
The Hakeen people originated on the distant Continent of Za'har, but over time migrated across the known world. Today, prominent Hakeen minorities are found in all Seven Cities of Bronze, as well as the island nations of Al'Kethai, and Malvatis.
The ancient Hakeen people established and ruled two of Oris' most powerful historical human empires, on the Continents of Corwyn and Za'har.
The Hakeen are well-recognized for their massive cultural, political, and social influence covering much of the territory and population of the ancient world.
Hakeen men and women are short and lithe, with varying shades of light to dark brown skin, black or brown hair, and bright, almond-shaped eyes of either brown, green or hazel eyes.
Hakeen Names
Common Hakeen names include: Aramos, Dimos, Jakir, Mayadi, Nolo, Othas, Olos, and Zolos.
Long ago, the Hakeen people originated from tribes on Za'har. They banded together and formed the ancient civilization of Old Xhola; one of the oldest humans kingdom in the known world.
Eventually, the Hakeen expanded across the Vhan Myr and colonized three islands chains that would someday become the Sultanates of Ilsenene, Rhaygos, and Styr. The Hakeen also sailed their ships west to the shores of Corwyn from their three island realms, and once there, the Hakeen explorers founded the great Xholar Empire.
Once they landed upon the eastern shores of Corwyn, the Hakeen soon established a large, thriving civilization, spread across the Vakara Grasslands. This great civilization was eventually destroyed by the conquering tribes of the barbaric Üthrari. Before the destruction of their civilization, the Hakeen had a rich culture, with beautiful artwork, crafts, and architecture.
Only the ruins of their cities of Ashkavan and Zocolo give testament to their once proud empire on the continent of Corwyn.
Even with the loss of the Hakeen empire on the Continent of Corwyn, the three Hakeen island civilizations in the Vhan Myr are still thriving today.