The House of Brevoy is an ancient and corrupt Vaas family which oncce ruled ruled the city of Redmark.
During the War of Succession; Margrave Hayden; the last Patriarch of House Norwald, was betrayed and murdered by King Eldred Orsini, extinguishing his line forever. Eldred then granted rulership over both the city of Redmark and the surroundings lands of Norwald Lucian Brevoy, who was a close ally.
The Brevoys were cruel and corrupt, and their rule finally ended with the Redmark Rebellion of 423/6, when Margrave Angus Brevoy was overthrown and Redmark declared itself a "Freehold."
After the rebellion, the few surviving members of the Brevoy family went forced into exile in the Kingdom of Iskandar.
Today, two descendants of this wicked family reside in the city of Wyn Falas: Lucretia Brevoy and Xanesha Brevoy.