Order of the Inquisitors

The Order of the Inquisitors is a Militant order of Lawful-Neutral warrior-priests and paladins who worship Nerydia and serve as enforcers for the Veiled Society.

This knightly order has been fanatically loyal to the Veiled Society ever since its creation in the year 183/6. Masked and clad entirely in dark blue armor and robes; the feared Inquisitors work closely with the Veiled Society to root out evil magic users and other "heretics" who they view as enemies of their Deity.

The Order employ a well-trained military wing; units of warrior priests and paladins, clad entirely in dark blue robes, emblazoned with the Red Eye of their order. These holy warriors are called "Inquisitors," and spend their life ferreting out magic-using evil-doers. So-called "Enforcer-Squads" of Inquisitors work closely with the Veiled Society to take down rogue wizards, who have been targeted by the Magisters for capture or destruction.

The Paladins of this order are called Gray-Paladins.

The symbol of the Order of the Inquisitors is a Red Eye on a dark blue field