
Jzadirune; also called the "Malachite Fortress," is a long abandoned underground complex located below the city of Caldera.

4,000 years ago, the Dwarves of the Splintershield Clan were hired by the Shadurians to construct the magnificent malachite walls of Nas'Krii; an ancient settlement that preceded the present-day city of Caldera.

At that same time, the Dwarves built "Jzadirune," an underground lair, which was named after the leader of their Clan.

The halls of Jzadirune served as home for the Clan, and as entrance to several deep mines where malachite and other precious ores could be easily mined by the dwarves.

The Vanishing

Legend has it; the dwarves abandoned the halls of Jzadirune because they believed it to be cursed.

Within a few years, the entire dwarven population simply left. In fact, the abandonment of Jzadirune happened so quickly, that in local dwarven lore, this event is called "the Vanishing."

After the Vanishing, all the entrances to Jzadirune were sealed off. Rumors persist that a few, secret entrances still exist which connect Caldera with the dwarven halls below. However, the passages are quite dangerous as they run through a series of Lava tubes.