Krandåhk Clan

The dwarvish Krandåhk Clan founded the ancient realm of Urkhar, under its Clan-master; Kyros the Proud.

The Clan founded Urkhar in the year 672/2, after a long and bitter series of wars with neighboring orc tribes; wars which did not end with the creation of the dwarf-realm.

The Saar gave the dwarves of this clan one of the five Val-Khûra and they went on to rule Urkhar for 1,467 years. This clan was wiped out in 592/3, when its twelfth and last king, Khargan the Luckless was slain during fall of the city of Thürgen Feyr.

The loss of the Krandåhk Clan, along with the Goblin's capture of their city and their Val-Khûra stone, is considered the low point for the race of Dwarves in the War of Sorrows.

The Dwarf-Kings of the Krandåhk Clan

Kyros 672-752/2
Krolon 752-883/2
Kerlag 883-1026/2
Kron 1026-1170/2
Kadrathor 1170-1308/2
Kharag 1308-1541/2, 1-25/3
Khyrhon 25-163/3
Kelthor 163-252/3 †
Kothar 252-402/3
Kerathor 402-581/3
Karth 581-437/3 †
Khargan 437-592/3 †
