The Kratheri

The Kratheri are a large human ethnic group.

Originally from on the Continent of Za'har, the Kratheri people emigrated to the Kratheri Peninsula of Corwyn. Once there, they established a nation called Kerathos, which prospered for centuries.

Kerathos was conquered by the Thannish in the, so-called, "Glorious Conquest." Since that time, the entire Kratheri race has been enslaved by the Kingdom of Thûle. One notable Kratheri figure was King Nek'var Barshem.


Iskari are usually tall and slender, with sharp, angular features. Kratheri men and women have predominantly black hair, varying tones of reddish-brown skin and bright eyes of brown, hazel, or grey. Some ethnic groups have almond eyes, but not all.


Kratheri society is patriarchal, meaning that property and ancestry are passed down the paternal line. Men own all the property, and worked the land but acted as caretakers rather than owners.

Myths dictated that this system may have originated from a decree from the “Great Mother,” an important mythological figure in Kratheri culture


The Kratheri peoples were divided into several tribes. Each tribal group was named for a particular animal; the Badger, the Bear, the Bison, the Crow, the Eagle, the Elk, the Fox, the Mountain Lion, the Tiger, and the Wolf


Bread, which the Kratheri made from wheat and corn, was the staple food in the Kratheri diet. Despite being primarily a farming society, the Kratheri hunted such animals like birds, rabbits, gophers, and occasionally larger animals. They also gathered wild plants like prickly pears, bees weed, and pinyon pine to supplement what they grew themselves. Turkeys were sometimes domesticated and raised for meat and eggs. The Kratheri grew crops such as cotton, maize, melons, squash, and beans.

The farming conditions in the lands occupied by the Kratheri are tough, and Kratheri farmers often planted more than they needed, in the knowledge that some crops would simply not make it. They would also store certain foods, like maize, in the event of some years not producing any crops at all. Farmers used tools like shovels and hoes, made from bone, stone, or wood.


Most Kratheri dress in cotton cloths and hides which are dyed in bright colors and adorned with beads or intricate embroidery. Men typically wear a cotton loincloth in summer and pants in winter, and draped a blanket over their shoulders. Women wear cotton shirts and long loose skirts, covered in a blanket that was held in place at the waist with an embroidered belt. Both genders usually tie their hair into long braid.



Pottery has always been an important part of Kratheri society, and the designs and techniques used were held by the females and passed from generation to generation. This led to slight variations in style emerging between households and larger regional variations. It was possible to tell where a pot was made by examining its style, or to determine the origins and descent of a community.


The Kratheri did not believe that their current life had any bearing on the next, and they focused on working to better their current life instead. They are not a materialistic people, believing that material wealth should be shared so that everyone could benefit from it in the current life. This meant that they saw their deities as respected figures to be bargained with, rather than impressed or appeased. The Kratheri strongly believed that the soul lived on after death, and had many ceremonies regarding contact with and reverence for the spirit world.

In daily life, the Kratheri observed many personal ceremonies that they believed would bring them good will from the spirits they worshiped. In addition to this, there were larger ceremonies observed by the community.

Some of the most important rituals were held at the winter and summer solstices, although the winter solstice (Sharal) was more important. The gods of the sun and war were worshiped then, celebrating the giver of life and protection from their enemies.

During the festivals on the solstices, many secret rituals were performed in the kivas, or ceremonial rooms. When the secret rituals were finished, the entire community gathered together to place offerings to the gods, to pray and sing, all building up to great procession through the settlement.

Music and dance continued on into the night around large open fires. Ceremonial herbs were regularly used in rituals, including such plants as black cohosh, cedar, cornmeal, gourd, horsetail, mallow, mesquite, ragweed, sagebrush, and wild jalap.

Another aspect of Kratheri culture is maintaining family honor and pride. Losing face is considered the worst of cultural sins, and most Iskari would do anything to avoid such. Saving face demands that all Kratheri treat others with deference and respect, regardless whether such facades bear any resemblance to the truth. Once a person or family loses face, they often lose their status and can be relegated to a lower social class within society.

The Kratheri have a deep respect for the past, including ancient artifacts and legends. They especially revered elders, who they saw as the essence of the community, the keepers of esoteric secrets, the leaders of ceremonies and advisers to leaders. They lived with and were cared for by descendants or relatives. The Kratheri also had a healthy acceptance of mortality, viewing death as a natural part of existence. They laid their dead to rest by sunset, ceremonially preparing the corpse before burying it in the desert and building a cairn of stones over the grave. The Kratheri viewed the undead as abominations to be destroyed.

Religion "Dia-Kaashe"

The Kratheri believe in animal spirits and that the one true God is "Mother Earth." They build few temples, but keep many shrines to their God, and go there to worship her and also revere their ancestors. An Important part of becoming a Kratheri cleric or shaman is going on a vision quest. This process involves first taking a series of potions to invigorate the spirit, second a trip alone into the wilderness, and third, a prolonged period of deep sleep out in the open, under "Father Sky.". During this time, fever dreams come to the participant, giving him or her the spiritual guidance they will use on their journey through life in honor of Mother Earth.

The Thûlian regime strictly forbids the practice of this religion, and both shamans and clerics face imprisonment and even execution if caught.


The ancient language of the Kratheri people is called “Krathic.” Only a few Kratheri scholars and sages are familiar with its written form, and under Thûlian law, it is illegal to either speak or write the language openly. This language is rarely spoken outside the Kratheri Peninsula.

Krathic has been forcibly replaced by an eastern dialect of Thannish. Many ancient ruins and former Kratheri buildings carry the written form of this language as inscriptions, but today, very few people can read or decipher these ancient symbols.



Long ago, the Kratheri people built a advanced civilization called Krath, which was located on continent of Za'har. After a brutal invasion by the neighboring tribes of Deskari, Krath fell and its magnificent capital of Jabulon was completely destroyed.

Because the Deskari worshiped demons and conducted human sacrifices, the surviving Kratheri people were forced to flee. They crossed the Vhan Myr and eventually established the nation of Kerathos on Corwyn. Unfortunately, Kerathos was later conquered by the Eldarans during the Glorious Conquest.

Other Kratheri tribes migrated west and landed on the eastern shores of Azoria, but what became of those groups is a mystery.