Lost Mine of Phandelver; Player Introduction

More than five hundred years ago, the dwarves of the Phandelver Clan discovered a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave in the Cragmoor region of Iskandar. The dwarven leader; Urmled, was amazed to find that in addition to its mineral wealth, the cavern contained great magical powers.

To harness the magical energies of Wave Echo cave, Urmled sought out the aid of a local Baron named Wesley Tresendar of Cragmoor. Working closely with the Baron and a group of hired wizards, the dwarves built a fabulous device called the "Spell-Forge," which harnessed those energies and allowed for powerful magic items to be crafted.

With the completion of the forge, Lord Tresendar made a pact with the dwarves of the Phandelver Clan, to work the cavern's mines alongside the men of Cragmoor and share the profits. With this arrangement, a mixed human and dwarven settlement called Phandalin was established to support the mining operations. As news spread of the mine's wealth, the village quickly grew in size and importance.

For many years, the mine and the village of Phandalin prospered. But then disaster struck when a horde of screaming goblins swept out of the Crystalpeak Mountains and laid waste to everything in their path. The goblins intended to capture Wave Echo Cave and seize the Spell-Forge. The men of Cragmoor fought alongside their dwarven allies to defend the Cave, but the goblins were too many. In a final act of desperation, the defenders set off a magical explosion which collapsed the cavern entrance under tons of rock, sealing it forever.

After the goblin raid, the entire region was devastated. The village of Phandalin was burnt and the cave entrance was sealed off forever. House Tresendar continued to rule the region, but most of its inhabitants moved away, and Cragmoor became a backwater.

For centuries, legends of buried riches have attracted treasure seekers and adventurers to the area. In recent years, both men and dwarves have resettled the area and turned Phandalin into a rough-and-tumble frontier settlement.

Your PCs are dwelling in the city of Herronford when you receive a note from your friend Gundren, asking you to escort a wagon of mining tools to Phandalin. Gundren tells you he has gone ahead with a warrior named Sildar to attend to business in town while you follow up with the supplies he purchased. Your characters will be paid 25 gp each once you see the wagon and its contents delivered safely safely to the village trading post.