The High-Elves, or "Malindi" in their native tongue, are one of the several elven sub-races created by the Sundering
These elves are the most common type encountered on Corwyn. Most of them dwell inside the Melinar Forest, in the elven kingdom of Melinarë. Smaller high-elven civilizations also exist in several forests spread across the continent.
High-elves resemble other elven races in terms of their facial features and their pale white skin. Most High-Elves have either blond of brown hair.
High-Elves have bright eyes of either of blue, gray, or green. They are also tall, being about 6 feet tall, and, like all elven races, have wiry, slender builds.
High-Elven clothing is often flashy, with bright colors popular amongst the elves when they are at home, and not off adventuring. Most High-Elves wear their hair in braids or ponytails, decorated with wires or beads. Tattoos are not unheard of amongst them and are frequently worn, though it is not an ingrained part of their culture.
Of all the elven races, High-Elves are the most impulsive, with a strong distaste for complacency or isolation. Many High-elves long to be on the road, traveling and exploring the untamed wilderness that lies between cities and nations.
This extroverted quality the primary reason why High-Elves get along so well with other races. High-Elves believe that interacting with other races, and humans in particular, is the best way to spread the values of the races, thereby strengthening their culture.
Malindi society is often loosely organized and few High-Elves stay in one place for more than a season or two, preferring a nomadic lifestyle. High-Elves are generally comfortable living among Wood-Elves, humans, or halflings.
Most High-Elves organize themselves into groups of a dozen extended families or so, each ruled democratically, although often with de facto leaders whose decisions hold more weight than others in the group. These leaders are usually individuals most often respected for either their age or their skills. Wherever they live, most elves are unassuming, living in humble, comfortable homes.
Although often light-hearted and at ease, High-Elves can leap to action if dangers present themselves. Like other elven folk, High-Elves make sure that nearly all of their members are trained to wield a weapon and many also have some small skill in magic. However, even in such dark times, High-Elves tend to find something to brighten them up, a quality that can be valuable for maintaining morale.
It is not uncommon for High-Elves to take on the life of an adventurer. After all, they are innately a race driven by wanderlust and the desire to learn or do good. Altogether, High-Elves are individualistic and most believe sincerely that each person can make a difference in the world, for better or worse.
Because they have an innate sense of altruism and good will to others, most High-Elven adventurers are heroes, rather than villains, though both exist. Those who do turn to an adventurer’s lifestyle commonly embrace the musical path of a bard, the martial lifestyle of a fighter, ranger, or rogue, or study to become wizards
Generally, High-Elves take things with little gravity, taking joy in the simple things of life, a trend which their music and art reflect, which are more often joyous than solemn. Most High-elves are themselves very fond of art and have both a strong bardic tradition, as well as an affinity for painting and sculpting. For entertainment, High- elves prefer to gamble, taking little risks as part of the fun. Similarly, drinking and reveling is an important part of their culture.
When the Ancient elvish realm of Ectharë collapsed at the end of the First Age, most of the Elder-Elves travelled south and eventually evolved into what are known today as the "Malindi." It was these elves who founded the realm of Melinarë, which is located within the vast Melinar Forest.
Even today, outsiders call the elven realm "Highforest," because of its High-Elvish heritage. Few humans or dwarves are allowed within the great forest, and most trade is conducted along the coasts, or within elvish cities located near the borders of the forest.
The High-Elves are seen by many as arrogant and stubborn, and sometimes even resented by both humans and dwarves. This attitude comes with the great age of elvish society, which naturally sees itself as superior to all other races, and because Corwyn was first explored by the elvish race.
Within their vast forest homeland, the Malindi live a quiet life in harmony with nature. Most High-Elves are of good alignment and despise the creatures of the East. On many occasions they have come forth out of their forest realm to fight alongside the races of men and dwarves against the tyranny of the Dark Lord.