The Nolar

The Nolar are the fiercest and most well-known of the nine Vaas Clans of the Highlands region.

The Nolar, who are commonly called "the Wildfolk," originated from the Eastern Wildlands. Their earliest settlements were along the shores of the Nolar Vaas, which is named for them.

As one of the larger Vaas Clans, the Nolar divided themselves into ten distinct tribes. Today, these tribes are collectively referred to as the "Wildfolk;" and their people are spread across the Wildlands.

One of these tribes; the notorious Melkor Tribe, gained a sinister reputation as mounted raiders and murderers who once destroyed the kingdom of Harloch. These feared, horse-riding barbarians became known as the Ravagers.

Today, the "Ten-Tribes" of the Nolar are as follows:

  • the Abernath
  • the Allards
  • the Blackadder
  • the Dalziel
  • the Gladstons
  • the Haldanes
  • the Melkor (the Ravagers)
  • the Ruthaven
  • the Sarshem
  • the Umbar