Freehold of Norwald ("Redmark")

Capital: Redmark (population: 63,000)
Population: 98,000 (70% Vaas, 25 % Amador, 5% other)
Demi-humans: 12,000 (60% dwarves, 20% elves, 20% halflings)
Humanoids: few
Government: Freehold
Current Leader: Viscount Argus Theed
Coat of Arms: Gold crescent moon and gold sun on blue and red a quartered field.
Exports: gold, iron, stone, magic items, mercenaries

Located in the Barrens, Norwald is the largest and wealthiest Freehold on Corwyn.

The Freehold's population is made up of both dwarvish and human settlers, many formerly from the kingdom of Erindar and the dwarvish realm of Orrek. Its captial is the sprawling city of Redmark, located in the rolling hills near the fork of the Granite and Amari Rivers.

Norwald derives much of its wealth from the trade passing through its territory between the cities of Arkan Feyr and Marigold. To protect those interests, the freehold vigorously patrols the trade routes through the Vast.

The folk of Norwald also export gold, stone, and grain to both the dwarves of Orrek and the humans of Ammarind, which makes the freehold a handsome profit.

Many adventures hail from this freehold as it the largest and closest settlement near the infamous Temple of Elemental Evil.

In fact. Redmark is only a few days march from the small village of Hommlet. It is common to see parties of brave adventurers set forth from Redmark to lands and quests unknown, but sadly, many of them never return.


As for military forces, Norwald maintains a well-trained, mercenary army of 1,000 heavy cavalry, 500 bowmen, and 3,000 heavy infantry; all of whom are lavishly armed and equipped.

About 1,500 of these soldiers are garrisoned at Castle Redmark; the remainder are based in several smaller keeps and forts spread throughout the Freehold's territory.

These mercenaries comprise mostly former Erindari or Ammarindi soldiers, which are well led, well-trained, and extremely loyal to the Viscount of Norwald.

Other settlements in Norwald are Diamond Lake, Hommlet, and Ashford.

Local History

Back in the distant years of the Third Age, a group of Thessalans settled this region, led by a great warrior named Hrothgar Norwald. Hrothgar founded the settlement of Redmark under the shadow of Castle Redmark, which was far older.

For centuries, the House of Norwald ruled the region, which they named the "Redmark Stronghold." Its leaders took for themselves the title of "Margrave." During the early years of the Fifth Age, the Wars of Destiny engulfed the entire region. At that time, Redmark was ruled by Artemis Norwald, who defeated Erin Fremantle at the Battle of Darkwood, and was therefore able to preserve the independence of his city.

The last Margrave of Redmark was Hayden, who was betrayed and murdered by Eldred Orsini during the War of Succession.

With the Norwald line extinguished, King Eldred installed Lord Angus of House Brevoy as ruler, and dark times came to the city. The Brevoys were petty, corrupt, and ruled like tyrants. Their rule finally ended with the Redmark Rebellion of 423/6, when Angus Brevoy was overthrown by a group of adventurers led by a wizard named Arcelor and a warrior named Robilar Theed.

Robilar then became the new ruler of Redmark, and declared it an independent Freehold. It has remained so until this very day.