Lost Olman Empire

The Olman Empire was a highly-advanced civilization, spread across several island chains on the Shining Sea and the Sanjaara Jungle of Azoria.

By the Third Age, the Olman people established a great civilization on the Continent of Za'har, which prospered for many centuries.

Sadly, that prosperity ended when the Olman civilization was invaded by a cruel race of demon-worshiping people called the Deskari.

Because of this deadly threat, most Olman fled from Za'har and migrated east across the Wyn Myr. This event, which began in the year 750/3, was aptly called "the Great Migration."

The fleeing Olman first settled on several island chains in the Shining Sea, including the Saffron Isles and the Isle of Dread. It was on the Isle of Dread, the Olman established Thanaclan, their most famous city-state.

Years later, the Olman sailed further east and landed on the eastern shores of the Continent of Azoria. They soon began moving inland into its vast Sanjaara Jungle.

Still other Olman tribes migrated north onto the Continent of Ikharos, but what became of those tribes remains a mystery.

For the next several decades the Olman expanded their holdings in the Sanjaara and established seven huge city-states spread across the continent.

Eventually, these seven city-states joined together to become the Olman Empire. For several centuries, the Olman Empire prospered. Its civilization was one of great complexity, wealth, and artistry.

The Empire eventually collapsed, after suffering decades of disease, civil war, religious strife, and a devastating invasion by its most dangerous rival, the Eloysian Empire. Today, the most famous relic of this once grand civilization is the ruins of Tamoachan.

In the year AR 485, the Eloysian Emperor Abu-Malik ordered a massive invasion of Olman territory, causing widespread misery and death.

In the year AR 492, Tamoachan, the last surviving Olman city-state on Azoria, fell to the Eloysians. With that defeat, the Olman Empire came to its tragic end.

By the end of the Fourth Age, all that remained of the once-great Olman Empire were seven ruined cities, spread across the Sanjaara Jungle.

In an unrelated tragedy, Thanaclan; the Olman city on the Isle of Dread, was also destroyed in a cataclysmic event called the Savage Tide.

Today, the only remaining Olman city-state is Xamaclan, which is located in the remote Olman Islands.
