Lost Kingdom of Ralas

The lost Kingdom of Ralas was the first united Ralani nation on Corwyn.


Ralas was founded in the year 31/4 by King Athrenar Sanborn; one of the famed Seven Champions of the West, and the kingdom continued to be ruled by the Sanborn Dynasty for another 1,213 years.

Athrenar was a fierce warrior whose bravery against Alokkair in the War of the Elanthir, won the respect and admiration of the Ralani people.

One of Athrenar's greatest accomplishment during the conflict was his defeat of a powerful Red Dragon. That dragon became Athrenar's sigil.

After the war ended, Athrenar founded the kingdom of Ralas, one of the greatest nations ever to exist on Corwyn.

Under the Rule of the Sanborn Dynasty

The House of Sanborn ruled the Kingdom for over 1,000 years, and its subjects prospered greatly during those times.

During their reign, Ralas became a great sea-powera. Massive fleets of warships and merchant vessels dominated the Sea of Ralas, the Iron Sea, and the Wyn Myr.

On land, many magnificent fortresses were built. The most impressive of these was the "Tower of Athrenar," the tallest known structure ever built on the continent of Corwyn.

Exploration of Azoria

More than anything, Ralas was always a sea-faring nation. Expanding on this naval prowess, The kingdom was the first civilization to make contact with the Eloysian Empire after King Axilar sailed south around the Cape of Black Ice in 379/4, colonized the northern coast of Azoria and established a colony called Kendar. Over the next two centuries, Ralas became fabulously wealthy from all the trade between the Ralani and the Eloysians

Founding of the Southern Colonies

Axilar Sanborn; commonly known as the "Great Wanderer," was the 14th king of Ralas, who sat upon the Dragon Throne between the years 352-388/4. Axilar discovered the rich Continent of Azoria and brought back its exotic goods to Corwyn for the very first time.


Axilar is best remembered for his many travels and adventures across the world of Oris. Axilar became king at a young age, and even as a child loved the sea and sailing. When his father was slain fighting Corsairs from Tar Vielca, the king was only a teenager. Axilar desperately wanted to explore the regions of the unknown world and perhaps find the home of the pirates who had killed his father. He did not find Narrow Isle, but instead found the continent of Azoria.

Axilar soon gathered a huge armada of ships and began a long pilgrimage far to the south to explore the unknown lands of Azoria. He left his older son Andros to rule in his stead and took his younger son Kendros with him on the journey. Axilar sailed so far south he rounded the bottom of the continent of Azoria and named the frozen waters there the "Cape of Black Ice." Along his journey, Axilar explored the Shining Sea, then landed on the Wild Coast and explored inland. There he discovered the hidden Sky-Valley of the Hellfire Mountains.

King Axilar founded the colony of Kendar in 359/4 (AR -64), after exploring the Sky-Valley. In those mountains and valleys, Axilar's followers founded the earliest Ralani settlements that would eventually became the cities of Shard and Kendar City, which would someday grow into a realm of enormous wealth and power. In a ten-year period between 359 and 369/4 (AR -64 to AR -54), Axilar eventually sailed all the way around the continent of Azoria, stopping at every one of the Seven Cities of Bronze along the Bronze Coast, and befriending the Eloysians who dwelt there. The seven visits were recorded in his journal, and tell of the wonders of Eloysian culture and magic Axilar encountered on his journey, and the deep friendships he made with the various rulers of the seven city-states.

Axilar left his son Kendros to rule the colony he had founded, and returned to Ralas a great hero. For centuries after, Ralas became fabulously wealthy from the trade between their kingdom and the Eloysians.


War of the Corsairs

In the year 1244/4, King Malenvar III was slain during the battle of the Volnar Strait, when he sailed against the fleet of the Pirate-King of Tar Vielca during the War of the Corsairs.

Under the Rule of the Montero Dynasty

Ralas was then ruled for 678 years by the Montero Dynasty, until 625/5, when King Alexian II was slain at the Battle of Harkalad.

Under the Rule of the Serati Dynasty

Ralas was then ruled by the Serati Dynasty for 558 years until the kingdom was overthrown and King Durendil II was killed in 553/6 during the War of the Celadon.

The Power Rings

The capital of Ralas was always the large seaport of Rastios, . At its peak, Ralas controlled several thriving colonies far to the south, along the Continent of Azoria. The largest of these later became the republic of of Kendar.

It was this wealth that ultimately caused the destruction and break-up of the kingdom. By 553/6, Ralani nobles were fighting over the waning natural resources of the Celadon Forest and the declining trade with the Ralani colonies on Azoria.

This squabbling eventually led to an bloody civil war that went on for three long years. Finally in 553/6, the rival nobles in southern Ralas broke away and formed their own country called Rennsfar.


The Kingdom is Divided

The remaining northern Ralani nobles on the mainland renamed their territory Serathyr. Ralas was the longest lasting nation of the original seven founded in the Fourth Age. The kingdom of Ralas survived the Corsairs of Tar Vielca, Alokkair, even Sorimmar’s Cataclysm and the destruction of the Ravinian Empire.

Today, the great Ralani cities of Akros, Rastios, Korthos, and Tymor all remain, but with new rulers and two new nations. The great Tower of Athrenar was built by the Ralani Kings, but is now manned by the forces of Rennsfar.

The Legacy of Ralas

The coat of arms of the Kingdom of Ralas consisted of a winged red dragon on a black field. Its territories encompassed what is, today, the Reach, the Kingdoms of Rennsfar and Serathyr, and the Republic of Kendar.