Free City of Redmark

(population: 63,000) Redmark is the capital of the Freehold of Norwald, and the largest independent city on Corwyn.

Located in the Barrens, along the eastern banks of the Granite River, Redmark has long had a sordid reputation as a seedy hive of mercenaries, unscrupulous merchants, and adventurers of every sort. Towering over the city is the famous Castle Redmark; home of the city's ruler; Viscount Argus Theed. This massive fortress is even older than the city itself, and is widely rumored to be filled with magical treasures.


Local History

Back in the distant years of the Third Age, a group of Thessalans settled this region, led by a great warrior named Hrothgar Norwald, who founded the settlement of Redmark under the shadow of Castle Redmark, a far older fortress which he took control of at the same time.

For centuries, the House of Norwald ruled the region, which they named the "Redmark Stronghold," and its leaders gave themselves the title of "Margrave." During the early years of the Fifth Age, the Wars of Destiny engulfed the entire region. At that time, Redmark was ruled by Artemis Norwald, who defeated Erin Fremantle at the Battle of Darkwood, and was therefore able to preserve the independence of his city.

The last Margrave of Redmark was Hayden, who was betrayed and murdered by Eldred Orsini during the War of Succession. With the Norwald line extinguished, King Eldred installed Lord Angus of House Brevoy as ruler, and dark times came to the city. The Brevoys were petty, corrupt, and ruled as tyrants. Their rule finally ended with the Redmark Rebellion of 423/6, when Angus Brevoy was overthrown by a group of adventurers led by a wizard named Arcelor and a warrior named Robilar Theed. Robilar then became the new ruler of Redmark, and declared it an independent Freehold. It has remained so until this very day.


Magical Independence

The City of Redmark is unique in one particularly important way. The Free City allows the unlimited use of magic within its walls and its laws specifically forbid the Veiled Society from controlling the arcane arts as that order does in much of the continent of Corwyn.

Here ALL wizards are free to learn and practice magic without constraint. This is a legacy handed down from the ancient Circle of Eight; who repudiated the infamous Edict of Marquand soon after Redmark became a free city.

The Free City

From the darkest alleys and most fetid cellars of the Old City, along the alabaster spires of temples and the Krakenmoor Academy, lining the great length of the "Promenade," and on to the regal grandeur of the Noble District and the looming towers of the Grand Citadel of Castle Redmark beyond, the Free City beckons.

Redmark, grandest jewel of the Vast, offers adventures that stagger the imagination, treasures beyond anyone's wildest dreams, and of course, dangers aplenty.


The city and its lands lie in the heart of the region known as the Vast. The grassy mounds of the mysterious Cairn Hills loom to the north of the city, some within sight of the high stone walls.

The placid expanse of the great Granite River meanders past Redmark's bustling docks, giving the city its primary claim to strategic significance, for it lies along that waterway between the great Axehead Mountains to the north and the cities of Marigold and Chelstad to the south.

The City of Redmark and its domain are ruled by a appointed Viscount, supported by a representative legislative body known as the "Grand Council." For the last twenty years, Argus Theed has ruled both city and the Freehold, and by all accounts, has done so extremely competently.

The various guilds of Redmark are all designed to protect and further the social and economic interests of their membership.

While not all of the Free City's Guilds have been granted or have been able to maintain a monopoly on the services and crafts they provide, they can nevertheless present a united front to any form of competition and have a recognized degree of political influence with the Directing Oligarchy.

On the first day of every month, the Grand Council of Redmark meets in the great Hall of Redmark's Grand Citadel.

All the city's Guild-masters and members of the Merchants Council are required to attend (and must send deputies should they be unable to do so).


This meeting is used to discuss petitions and legislation before the Viscount that may affect the trade or business of one or more of the Free City's guilds, and allegedly serves the purpose of granting those city guilds not directly represented a voice in the city's government.

The City is protected by high stone walls, and there are seven entry gates: Highway Gate; the city busiest entrance, is located on the southern edge of the city, Wharfgate, Marsh Gate, and Cargo Gate, are located (from N to S) along the west side of the city, and handle the river traffic. Druid's Gate is located on the east side of the city, near a stone-circle monument. Garden Gate is located on the east side and leads to much of the city's surrounding farmland and agricultural plots. Finally, Iron Gate and Duke's Gate are located inside the city, along the Promenade; the main thoroughfare that divides the city roughly in half.

Law & Order

To keep order, the Free City has a large force of militia at its disposal, called the City Watch. The Watch numbers 900 officers and men, divided into three shifts. There are ten watch stations; one located in each city district.


In addition to the watch, a force of over 1,500 heavily armed soldiers are garrisoned at Castle Redmark; under the personal control of the Viscount. The primary differences between the Freehold Army and City Watch are equipment and training. .

City Guilds

The City of Redmark has many trades, some are highly educated, others based on craftsmanship. Every major trade or profession must be licensed within the city to practice their chosen vocation, and each has their own Guildhall.

The largest guild-halls found in Redmark are: Alchemists, Apothecary, Architects, Armorers, Artisans, Bards, Carpenters, Cartographers, Cartwrights, Dyers, Gemcutters, Merchants, Performers, Sages, Scriveners, Shipwrights, Smiths, Stonemasons, Tailors, and Tanners.

City Districts

The City of Redmark is divided into ten districts:


Artisans' District

This small District of Redmark is one of the most peaceful, lacking the wild taverns and crowds of most other districts. The Artisans' District is home to hardworking people and their families. Its major features are the guildhalls for many of those craftsmen and women.

Sure, the Artisans' District has its share of taverns, but these are quiet, neighborhood places. Most of the customers recognize each other and the proprietor who is usually the owner.

Strangers are treated cordially, but any unruliness arouses the resentment of the entire establishment. The City Watch, while not a great presence here, is not neglectful. The houses here are small.

At first glance one might think they are crowded uncomfortably close together. Upon closer examination, the buildings all seem to fit snugly together, while leaving a surprising amount of space between them.

With its convenient location next to the Low Marketplace, the residents of this District rarely have to go elsewhere in the city for their needs. More than any other district, the Artisans' District seems a self-sufficient community all unto itself.


The hallmarks of each tradesmen can be seen on the front of the house: an ornately carved balcony and railing for the woodcarver, a wide, sweeping stairway for the carpenter, an imposing façade of granite for the stonemason, and so on. Weavers, painters, metal-smiths, and the like use an example of their craft to decorate the front of the house with a tapestry, unusual color scheme, or metal rack of tools, for example.

While some of these artisans work for employers and travel to a different location for their job, the majority work in shops within their homes. Consequently, a great number of different businesses can be found in the tiny Artisans' District.

Notable District locations: Temple of Shua, Temple of Aleyssia, The Clay Dragon Inn, The White Deer Inn, the Nite Owl (tavern), the Green Frog (tavern)

Clerical District

The city district that houses Redmark's famous Krakenmoor Academy, Redmark College, and several other schools and academies is referred to as the "Clerical District."

The term is a reference to the students, tutors, scribes, and clerks who live here in great numbers; and the large, airy buildings that typically house the schools. Though it is not apparent from outside the District, the Clerical District is an area of plants, grassy yards, and small parks. It is second only to the Garden District in the number and variety of its greenery.


The City Watch does not neglect the Clerical District. Generally a patrol arrives within a few moments of a summons. Ruffians tend to avoid the Clerical District, to no one's disappointment. An interesting feature of the District is the outside seating, or veranda, available at most of the small taverns and eateries.

It may be squeezed precariously between the building and the street, barely wide enough for a single row of tables, but this outdoor dining area is required of any successful eating establishment in the Academy District. In fact, the major attractions of this district to the citizenry of the city are these street-side tables.

On most days with nice weather, the streets of the Clerical District swell with folk from all over the city, coming to enjoy their meal in the fresh air. The Millstream winds its way through the Clerical District, and much of its bank has been preserved as a grassy parkway. Students often come here to study or relax.

The Clerical District is not a thriving business district—most of the buildings not used for schools are the residences of students and instructors.

Notable District locations: Temple of Atanavar, Temple of Nerydia, Millstream Bridge, Krakenmoor Academy, Redmark College, Redmark Library, the Arena, Black Dragon Inn, the Maimed Dwarf (tavern), the Old Crone (Tavern)

Noble District


A grand array of buildings and personages await the fortunate traveler who decides to stroll down the famed Promenade, with marvels of architecture, splendid grace and beauty, possessing impressive style.

The grand edifices of the Free City's High District are, in general, mansions that would be fit for the ruler of most political entities. In Redmark, however, such homes are the just rewards for successful merchants, important ambassadors, the city's own Directors, and others of wealth and station.

Various mansions sprawl over large estates; an equivalent amount of property might hold the homes of 1,000 souls in the cramped confines of the Old City. Stores and shops are not found in the Noble District, the residents can usually find everything they need at the city's High Marketplace.

The only businesses in the District are those gambling houses, taverns, and clubs that cater to a wealthy clientele. The Noble District is the best illuminated of the city's Districts after dark, for each mansion maintains a lamp on the road before it, and the city maintains other lamps at frequent intervals along each thoroughfare.

In addition, the guard patrols of the city watch are diligent and common in the High District. A standard patrol will arrive within 1d6 round following any loud cry of alarm in the Noble District. Also, many private mercenaries are employed throughout the High District, sometimes to watch a single mansion, and other times to patrol a region of several estates.

When these mercenaries make such roving patrols, they go in groups of five, accompanied by two great hounds (war dogs). The roads of the Noble District bustle with crowds only on the occasions of parades and festivals. The district receives a lot of traffic every single day, attracted by the grand array of booths and stalls in the High Marketplace.


Otherwise, the District is quiet, with only a few people moving about at any one time. These travelers are nobles in carriages, on horseback, and afoot, their servants (with or without their masters), craftsmen hired to work in the High District on their way to and from the job, and many others.

Travel is allowed to and from the Noble District with no restrictions, but a visitor to the district who appears to be up to no good (loitering about, acting furtive, associating with known criminals, etc.) is quickly accosted by the City Watch. If the visitor can produce no good reason why he is in the Noble District, he is escorted to the Garden Gate with orders not to return without a valid purpose.

Notable District locations: Temple of Ator, Iron Dragon Inn, the Pale Mare Inn, Elyria Embassy, Erindar Embassy, Alveron Embassy, Ammarind Embassy, Orrek Embassy, Derianor Embassy, the Patrician (private club/brothel)

Garden District

The Garden District marks a great arc about the city's Noble District, In truth, an untutored observer could not tell where one district ends and the other begins. But the boundaries are clearly defined in the collective social consciousness of the city's elite.

If the estates in the Garden District tend to be a little smaller than their uphill neighbors, if their statuary is less exquisite and the architecture more plain, these deficiencies are more than made up for by the brilliant profusion of blossoms grown here.


The sweeping expanses of manicured beauty have given the District its name and its character. On a pleasant spring day the fragrance of lilac is carried by each passing breeze, while in summer a stroller can sample the dewy aroma of the lilies, and so on.

The patrols of the city watch are as diligent and common here as in the Noble District, though there are fewer hired security agents in the Garden District. There are few shops in the Garden District, save for the region of the High Marketplace. Several fine inns and clubs offer fine cuisine and often gambling to wealthy patrons.

Notable District locations: Temple of Karmalok, Wise Wizard Inn, Silver Dragon Inn, the Jester (tavern), Lady Luck (tavern)

Foreigner's District

This is the most crowded District of the city, not just because it is the residential district assigned to all those who have not inherited or adopted Redmark citizenry, but because it is a nice place to live.

It offers a variety of eateries and taverns, as well as tiny shops of many unique types. It has long been city policy that visitors who take up residence in Redmark should not be allowed to inhabit certain areas, particularly places adjacent to the city wall.

Thus, all foreigners who actually rent a residence (as opposed to taking a room in an inn, even for many weeks) must find such a residence in this District.


Of course, foreign nobles and official guests of the city are exempt from the restriction. Foreigners are usually not permitted to purchase property in the Free City.

After seven consecutive years of residence (at least six months each year) in the city, a foreigner can apply for citizenship. Provided he has two citizens to vouch for him, and no record of troubles with the watch or any influential guilds, citizenship is granted.

Certain of the Foreign District's shops and inns retain a distinctive character reflecting their owners' origins. But for the most part, this district has blended very well into the rest of the Free City's character.

The City Watch is here, but not in any considerable numbers, except at night, when they put regular patrols through this and the neighboring River District. In many ways it is representative of the city in miniature, with its diversity of shops, its theater (the Pit), and its mix of people from all places and all levels on the social scale.

Indeed, the Foreign District even has its own nobility, in the form of The Duke. Every type of business can be found in this District. Problem is though if you asked someone where to find what you are looking for, half the time the directions are wrong.

Notable District locations: Temple of Berevrom, the Pit (theater), Steelfist Mercenary Guildhall, the Silver Ravens Guildhall, Blue Dragon Inn, the Copper Crown Inn, the Red Serpent (tavern), the Merry Fool (tavern), Able-Carter Coach-House


Old City District

This maze of alleys, shacks, boarding houses, and everything else is the true soul of Redmark. Herein lie the city's roots, and herein also live its most volatile citizens. The Old City, separated by the Black Wall from the New City, has taken on a life all its own. The Old City is actually two districts, known as the Slums and the Thieves' Quarter. The two are divded by the Promenade; the largest street in Redmark. If the New City should suddenly disappear from the earth, the Old City would function much as before. The same cannot be said for the reverse. The Old City sees more of the City Watch than do its neighboring districts. Crime and misery are commonplace here, but so are gallantry and decency. Thieves' Guilds control the bulk of the business ventures and other activities, but nowhere else is the proverb "honor among thieves" more in evidence. The City Watch maintain two regular stations here, and many families devote a proportion of the precious incomes for the additional protection provided by various private mercenary outfits. The City Watch in the Old city take their duties very seriously indeed; their fee is always money well spent. The City Watch patrols are scarce here, but will usually respond quickly, but only when the alarm is raised by one of the locals. The balance of power in the Old City centers on the Thieves' Guilds, which control the major sources of income here, except for the Public Bath, which is owned by the city. The Beggars' Union is a force to be reckoned with in the Slum District, however, and the Merchants and Traders are also well represented in the Old City. The patrols of the City Watch move unchallenged here during the daytime, but at night two patrols always march together. Even then they remain on the lighted thoroughfares of the Processional, Caravan Street, and other major avenues. The border between the Old City and the Slums is ill-defined.

Notable District locations: Temple of Etahr, the Brass Dragon Inn, the Painted Lady Inn, the Notched Blade (tavern), the Grinning Gargoyle (tavern), Lefty's (tavern), Red Mary's (brothel), the Vixen (tavern/brothel)


River District

This most riotous district is centered around the great curving avenue known as the Strip. With its taverns, brothels, gambling dens, and worse, the Strip at night is a cacophony of noises, a shadowy land of flickering torches and blazing lamps. And always, day and night, it teems with drunks and toughs, river-men and city-folk. At any given moment, there are many who fight at any implied slight, and there are never enough patrols of the City Watch to keep the peace. Mercenary guards are common during the hours of daylight, especially near the Cargo Gate. Naturally, adventurers love it here. Lodgings are cheap, and news from the world beyond is plentiful. There are numerous merchants and innkeepers willing to relieve a traveler of his heavy load of treasure. Behind the Strip, the River District is a mixture of boarding houses, brothels, taverns, and warehouses. While much cargo brought up the river is stored on the wharf, many small warehouses are offered for rental here as well. Cargo moves quickly in the lively economy of the Free City, so a load generally remains in a warehouse only for a week or two.

Notable District locations: Temple of Myrival, the Green Dragon Inn, the Crow's Nest Inn, The Rusty Anchor (tavern), the Bargeman (tavern), the Silver Garter (brothel)



The City of Redmark actually has nearly one-quarter of its population living outside the tall grey-stone walls, in three distinct areas. These three small districts are: Barge End, Farbank, and Shantytown, and all three cater to commerce coming either by horse-cart or river-barge.

Barge End

A very rough part of town; this is essentially the wharf district, with dozens of river galleys, pleasure craft, and cargo barges docking daily. Because of the overflow from the Granite River, most of the streets here are muddy quagmires and the folk who reside here are usually filthy and miserable. Locals stay dry and clean only via narrow wooden plank-ways that crisscross the district.


This collection of modest homes and small businesses cater mainly to the surrounding agricultural community and rural merchants that come from the west and north to trade with the city folk. Aptly named, the settlements are on the west side of the Granite River. There are many small ferries that move both people and goods across the Granite River.



This poor district, locate directly south of the Main Gates, is made up of mostly wooden warehouses, shacks and shanties, and is home to two gigantic caravan parks, which can hold up to 1,000 wagons. At all times of the day and night, this area is teeming with activity.

The Sewers

Almost a city in itself, the city sewers are a maze of underground passages, magically created to remove the city wastes. Over the centuries, the passages have become home to all manner of seedy characters. There are rumors of burial crypts, secret societies, and even demons to be found wandering through the underground network below the city streets. There are few public entrances, and many secret ones. Officially, it is strictly illegal for anyone to enter the sewers, but that hasn't stopped the criminal element of Redmark in the slightest.



The Artisan District:
A1. The Clay Dragon (Inn)
A2. Alchemists Guildhall
A3. Temple of Isilahr
A4. The White Deer (Inn)
A5. Armorers Guildhall
A6. Crosby’s General Store
A7. Temple of Shua & Gardens
A8. Cartographers Guildhall
A9. Druid’s Gate
A10. Stone Circle
A11. Scriveners Guildhall
A12. The Night Owl (tavern)
A13. The Tempest (Inn)
A14. The Green Frog (tavern)
A15. Weaponsmiths’ Guildhall
A16. Artisans Market
A17. The Sly Fox (tavern)
A18. Cartographers Guildhall
A19. The Gargoyle Theatre
A20. Old Castle Redmark
A21. The Ruby Maid (Inn/Tavern)
A22. Mercenary Guildhall
A23. Crofters Guildhall
A24. Temple of Aleyssia

The Clerical District
C1. The Broken Staff (Inn)
C2. Temple of Ethenghar
C3. College Headmaster’s Estate
C4. The Blind Dwarf (Inn/Tavern)
C5. The Black Dragon (Inn)
C6. Stonemasons Guildhall
C7. Redmark Arena
C8. The Inkpot (Tavern)
C9. The Quill & Tankard (tavern)
C10. Stables/Riding School
C11. Redmark Grand Library
C12. Duke’s Gate
C13. City Watch Station
C14. Redmark Bardic School
C15. Redmark College Campus
C16. Krakenmoor Academy
C17. Redmark College Campus
C18. Student Dormitories

The Foreign District
F1. The Blue Dragon (Inn)
F2. Steelfist Mercenary Guildhall
F3. The Broken Staff (tavern)
F4. Gemcutters Guildhall
F5. The Wise Fool (tavern)
F6. Silver Ravens Guildhall
F7. Able Carter Coach-House
F8. The Hissing Serpent (tavern)
F9. City Watch Station
F10. The Drunken Savant (tavern)
F11. Tarshek’s Provisions (shop)
F12. The Burning Man (tavern)
F13. The Harpy (tavern)
F14. Marsh Gate
F15. The Copper Crown (Inn)
F16. Warehouses
F17. Temple of Acerion
F18. The Smiling Knave (Inn)
F19. Elendari Estate
F20. The Timid Giant (inn/tavern)
F21. Cartwrights Guildhall
F22. Home of Eligos
F23. Nine Noble Swords (Shop)
F24. Halfling Quarter

The Garden District
G1. Temple of Atanavar
G2. The Wise Wizard (Inn)
G3. The Jester (tavern)
G4. Brax Estate
G5. Wharf Gate
G6. The Merry Maid (tavern)
G7. Redmark Gardens
G8. The Silver Dragon (tavern)
G9. The Blue Goddess (inn)
G10. Sable Brethren Monastery
G11. The Purple Unicorn (Inn)
G12. Temple of Praxis
G13. Ammarind Embassy
G14. Erindar Embassy
G15. Serathyr Embassy
G16. Iskandar Embassy
G17. Marundi Embassy
G18. Alveron Embassy
G19. Orel Embassy
G20. The Black Rose (theatre)
G21. The Lady Luck (tavern)
G22. Thraydin Estate
G23. The Sly Vixen (tavern/brothel)
G24. Del'Vario Estate
G25. City Watch Station

The Harbor District
H1. River Docks
H2. Warehouse
H3. The Honest Rogue (Brothel)
H4. Temple of Myrival
H5. Customs House
H6. The Fishery
H7. Marsh Gate
H8. Graysby’s Shipbuilding
H9. Traders Guildhall
H10. The Daffodil (Inn)
H11. City Watch Station

The Market District
M1. Caravan Park
M2. The Wagon Wheel (inn/tavern)
M3. Warehouses
M4. Caravan Park
M5. Farmer’s Market
M6. Zharcayne Manor
M7. South Gate (Highway Gate)
M8. Tollet’s Dry Goods
M9. The Outsider (Inn)
M10. The Manticore (tavern)
M11. Farmsteads

The Noble District
N1. Castle Redmark (The Grand Citadel )
N2. The Pavilion
N3. Temple of Nerydia
N4. City Watch Station
N5. Velstad’s Curio shop
N6. Temple of Ethenghar
N7. Garden Gate
N8. Royal Stables & Livery
N9. Ghormeghal Estate
N10. Temple of Velok
N11. The Gilded Crown (Gambling Hall)
N12. The Iron Dragon (Inn)
N13. The Pale Mare (Private Club)
N14. Temple of Berevrom
N15. Beckworth Estate
N16. Vhalantru Estate
N17. Norshen Manor
N18. Kellaren Estate
N19. Redmark Observatory

The River District
R1. Brass Helm Armory
R2. The Night Raven (Inn)
R3. The Grinning Ghost (tavern)
R4. Arnaud Manor
R5. Temple of Aleyssia
R6. The Black Goat (tavern)
R7. The Boars’ Head (Inn)
R8. The Patrician (gambling hall)
R9. City Watch Station
R10. The Green Dragon Inn
R11. Lefty’s (inn/ tavern)
R12. The River Rat (tavern)

The Slums District
S1. The Brass Dragon (Inn)
S2. Shemric’s Blades
S3. The Cracked Tooth (tavern)
S4. Colby’s Warehouse
S5. Talworth Stables
S6. Knight’s Delight (Brothel)
S7. Tanners Guildhall
S8. The Happy Heretic (tavern)
S9. The Painted Lady (Inn)
S10. City Watch Station
S11. Gansworth Manor
S12. The Galloping Ghost (tavern)
S13. Temple of Ixion
S14. Hansford Manor
S15. Madame Griselda’s Boarding House
S16. The Red Lantern (Brothel)
S17. The Golden Key (tavern)
S18. The Tall Man (Inn)

Thieves’ District:
T1. The Phoenix (Boarding House)
T2. The Blind Beggar (tavern)
T3. Harlad's Jewelry
T4. The Red Lion (tavern/inn)
T5. Skagen’s Pawnshop
T6. The Lace Garter (Brothel)
T7. Cobbler’s Square
T8. Madame Serena’s Fortune-telling
T9. The Broken Dagger (Inn)
T10. Penrose Brewery
T11. City Orphanage
T12. The Rusty Blade (tavern)
T13. Ellival Manor
T14. Merchant’s Guildhall
T15. The Merchants' Exchange
T16. Warehouses
T17. The White Dragon (Inn)
T18. Vesper’s Goods
T19. Temple of Lehr
T20. The Lady Luck (Gambling Hall)
T21. Corvhaire Manor
T22. Durskan the Locksmith
T23. The Grinning Gargoyle (inn/tavern)
T24. City Watch Station
T25. Sour Grapes (tavern)
T26. Iron Gate