Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide (Adapted For the Corwyn Game Setting)

Welcome to the "Rise of the Runelords" Adventure Path!!!

It’s in the ancient and treacherous lands of Iskandar that your character will take up arms against the return of a centuries-old evil. Yet, before you dive headlong into your adventures, there are things you must know.

The purpose of this Guide is to prepare you for your quest, by supplying you with information about Iskandar, and giving you an introduction to the various people that call this land home. The guide also serves as a primer to the unique skills and tools you’re likely to encounter, and that extra edge that just might mean the difference between heroic triumph and an ignominious end.


Aside from introducing the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, this guide reveals much of the history and background of the Kingdom of Iskandar and aids players in the creation of characters native to the region.

All of the information presented herein should be considered common knowledge, especially to characters who call Iskandar home—players are strngly encouraged to create characters with ties to this specific region.

To aid in that task, this guide is organized to facilitate character creation, providing you with details about races in the area, regional characteristics of various character classes, deities commonly worshiped, new feats unique to the region, and equipment created and utilized by natives.

The later sections detail the lands of Iskandar, with a special focus on Sandpoint, a town that takes particular prominence in the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path. While any character, new or old, can take part in the Rise of the Runelords, those created and equipped using this guide are likely to have an advantage as the events of the Adventure Path unfold.

As the first adventure, “Burnt Offerings” begins in the coastal town of Sandpoint, characters should strongly consider being local residents of the Kingdom of Iskandar or having a specific reason for visiting the area.

If you choose to create a character from beyond Iskandar’s borders, work with your GM to establish a specific reason for being in Sandpoint. For example; it is well-known, that the town is in the midst of preparations for a large festival to commemorate the opening of its new Temple. This festival has been widely spoken about and is expected to draw hundreds of visitors from neighboring communities.

Rest assured, this guide is merely the first step, and your journey into Iskandar is just beginning.


From the reclusive Wood-Elves of the Thistlewood to the orc-blooded interlopers from the Crystalpeak Mountains, to the Iskari men and women who dominate this region, diversity and conflict characterize the various cultures that make Iskandar their home.

Humans (the Iskari)
Several distinct human societies dwell in Iskandar: the dominant majority is Iskari, but there is a strong northern based minority of ethnic Vaas, mostly barbarians called Wildfolk. Another ethnic minority are the Cynarans, who dwell in the northern regions of Iskandar and the Isle of Cynara.

The Iskari people originally sailed across the Wyn Myr from the continent of Ikharos thousands of years ago and founded the massive kingdom of Iskandar. The men and women of this ethnicity are also commonly referred to as ‘Westvalians.’

Iskari men and women are usually tall, with predominantly black hair, golden-brown skin, and bright eyes of either brown, hazel, or grey. Many Iskari are intellectuals and artisans, but others are simple farmers and traders. Iskari folk love culture, poetry, and reading. Iskari believe their culture is the only bastion of civilization in western Corwyn. This belief chiefly derives from the fact that the Iskari civilization is thousands of years old, and is based upon the ancient Iskari Empire which once dominated the Continent of Ikharos. Iskari arrogance is nurtured and codified in the society of Iskandar.

There are strongly held class and gender divisions set up in Iskari society, with a person's station at birth playing a crucial role in how he or she is measured by Iskari society. Although few Iskari speak openly about a strict class based system in their society; most Iskari live out their lives according to their station, risking social expulsion or even imprisonment if they do not adhere to societal norms. Iskari dwelling in the lands of Iskandar view themselves as superior to all other human races and even to those Iskari who dwell outside the kingdoms' borders.

Some Iskari are drawn to adventuring in hopes of finding quick wealth that will allow them to return to a life of luxury, and thereby improve their social station. Other human races view Iskari as avaricious, lazy, pampered, and corrupt. In truth most Iskari seek nothing more than a lifestyle of comfort and the respect of their peers.

The social classes of Iskari society are in order from highest to lowest; The Ruling Class, the Advisers, the Military, the Clergy, the Merchants, the Artisans, the Laborers, the Farmers, and lowest, the Servant class. Only Women are allowed to marry above their social class and all such arrangements are strictly scrutinized within the Iskari culture.

Another aspect of Iskari culture is maintain family honor and pride. Losing face is considered the worst of cultural sins, and most Iskari would do anything to avoid such. Saving face demands that all Iskari treat others as they present themselves, regardless whether such facades bear any resemblance to the truth. One a person or family loses face, they often lose their status and can be relegated to a lower social class within Iskari society. Privacy is therefore a precious commodity, for it allows individuals to act as they wish without outside scrutiny, which could result in such social punishment. Iskari also place great importance on hospitality and manners. There are strictly defined rules and benefits for both guests and hosts.Guests cannot inflict harm on their guests, and are protected by a sacred tradition of guest right under the roof of their hosts once invited in.

Common male Iskari names include: Andros, Argus, Demexas, Ilathrin, Ilmethar, Ilnavel, Ilros, Irovar, Iscar, Loraxas, Lyonel, and Rothaxas.

Common female Iskari names include: Arianna, Azonia, Brianna, Dagmar, Ilvanna, Iskara, Lorelei, and Renora.


The Iskari people speak Iskan as well as common, and there are seven major dialects. Iskan is one of the seven original dialects of western men, and the language of the Iskari people who dwell on Westvale Island. This language is most commonly spoken throughout the realm of Iskandar, as well as western Elyria, western Derianor, and northwestern Serathyr. In addition to Iskan, the Iskari people of the ancient Iskari Empire of Ikharos once spoke an ancient language called Iskamaic. This is now essentially a dead language, only vaguely understood by a few scholars and sages

The Wildfolk

Also called “Stone Barbarians,’ these rural people are not Iskari, but an ethnic minority of Iskandar called the Vaas. The Wildfolk did not assimilate into the civilized cultures of Iskandar, Derianor or Elyria. The Wildfolk even have Vaas coloring and speech. Most are tall and proud, with predominantly red, copper, or yellow-blond hair, ruddy skin and bright eyes of blue, green, or grey. Wildfolk have very different customs and societal values than Iskari peoples. Most are not overly aggressive and keep to themselves, but can be deadly if they feel their territory is threatened. In far northern Iskandar, tribes of Wildfolk have always resided in the eastern hills of the Crystalpeak Mountains, with scattered villages along the coast of both the Iron Sea and the Sea of Vaas. These barbarians mostly keep to themselves, but have warred many times with the orc tribes of the Crystalpeaks.


The majority of the dwarves of Iskandar live either in the region known as the Ivy Hills or in the copper-rich foothills of the Crystalpeak Mountains. With the growth of the human civilization all around them, the dwarves have seen their homes change from a simple mining villages into bustling trading towns. The dwarves of Iskandar welcome any visitors who seek to do honest business and who don’t cause trouble. The dwarves eagerly capitalize on their position as major local providers for weapons and other metal-worked items. Here, local tribes of dwarves maintain close contact with their cousins in the neighboring Dwarf-Realm of Kharos-Thûngol. Most dwarves living in Iskandar are Hill-Dwarves, commonly called ‘Red-Dwarves’ for their fiery red beards and hair.


Few elves make their home in Iskandar, with the exception of the Wood-Elves of the Thistlewood and the Azure Forest. From the giant pines, white barks, and towering coastal redwoods, the Wood-Elves have sculpted several villages. Aside from the wood-elves, there are a few handfuls of Gray-Elves from far-off exotic locales such as the Vesarivon Forest, and even High-Elves, who have migrated west from Melinarë.


As they tend to throughout the world, the halflings of Iskandar live among the other races of the lands they inhabit. Most halflings reside in the Kingdom's southern regions, between Wyn Falas and Natharos, and as is common to their race, halflings tend to adopt into one of three distinct ways of life. As many migrated to Iskandar from Grenshire, the halflings of Iskandar live life similarly to their kin living east across the Iron Sea: trying to fit into human society as servants, middlemen, merchants, and entertainers.


Born of extraordinary and often unfortunate circumstances, half-elves face prejudices of both their parent races. While some find it easy to disguise their mixed heritages in the teeming human cities of Iskandar, a considerable number sanctuary among the five great woodlands of Iskandar. Some half-elves dwell on the fringes of the Thistlewood where they are, at best, pitied by the Wood-Elves or, at worst, shunned by the aloof Grey-Elves of Antharë. A few half-elves have come to wander across Iskandar as nomads, but are not really trusted or accepted in most human Iskari communities. Regardless, or perhaps in spite of, the cards cast against them, half-elves strive for extraordinary goals, doing and saying what few would dare, defying the world, and determinedly shattering prejudices.


Members of this rare, bastard race are most commonly found in far northern Iskandar, living alongside the orc-tribes of the Crystalpeak Mountains. These scattered orc bands frequently raid isolated northern Iskari settlements in the Hinterlands and pillage the sparse resources in northern Iskandar. Long ago, the war-like orcs discovered that breeding with humans produced whelps of greater cunning and discipline and ever since have preyed upon Iskandar’s native humans population to provide such brutal unions.

While some half-orcs have sought to escape the barbarity of the orc tribes of the Crystalpeaks, others travel to Iskandar on special orders from their war-lords on mainland Corwyn. Most half-orcs make their homes in the same depraved dens of their bloodthirsty orc-cousins, while others live on the fringes of Iskandar’s northern shores. In seeking acceptance, these outcasts lead lives of incredible daring and personal discipline, ever hoping to prove their worth by actions and escape the shadows of their birth.


Adventurous spirits from every walk of life seek their fortunes in Iskandar. Those who wish to survive in these dangerous lands might consider the following advice.

Numerous barbaric peoples inhabit the lands of northern Iskandar, most notably the proud Wildfolk, Upon the foot-hills of the Crystalpeak Mountains, these Vaas barbarian tribes are especially renowned for their bravery and abandon in battle. Many of the Wildfolk’s greatest warriors exhibit ties to their tribal ancestors and draw upon those spirits for aid in battle (see the Totem Spirit feat). Besides the Wildfolk, the sea-faring Variags of the Thalar Islands sometimes wander northern Iskandar, either questing to prove their prowess or to escape the brutality of their Hüornen people. Finally, some Wood-elves of the Thistlewood also embrace the feral ways of beasts, living like animals to better understand their land and drive out the taint that festers within.

Performers of all types travel to Iskandar in hopes of making names for themselves and studying the unique performances of the land’s native peoples. Among these populations, entrancing Iskari dancers spin to the boisterous pace of their peoples’ traditional songs, while others sing of the heroics of the long-departed. Among the non-human races, some wood-elves weave rich traditions of dance, music, and song into hypnotically beautiful displays. Aside from performers, well-traveled bards learn much of Iskandar and its history. The tales of Iskari history, natural wonders, and bygone mysteries prove invaluable in a land so haunted by its own past. Many bards off all races hail from Carillon, the famed ‘city of the Bards.’ Those who cultivate these skills—especially Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history), and Knowledge (nature)—gain great insight into the land’s seemingly endless secrets.

Worldly hunters of Berevrom, mindful priests of Shua, seductive followers of S’Thar, and marauding fanatics of Karaash: the faithful of nearly every religion known to Corwyn are found in Iskandar. While temples most-often appear in the villages and cities, religion often comes to the people informally, either in the hearts of devoted worshipers or in the words of wandering ministers. Pious towns too small to host multiple temples often build communal places of worship dedicated to deities of local importance. Beyond the typically good- and neutral-aligned temples of the kingdom, the region’s Iskari wanderers possess a strong traditional belief in Atanavar, while druids and rural peoples revere Karmalok. Many of the monstrous races of Iskandar perform blood sacrifices in the names of Al-Karym and Nestor. The civilized peoples of Iskandar most commonly worship one of six deities: Shua, Berevrom, Ator, Atanavar, Nerydia, or Myrival. (see Corwyn Wiki; the Corwyn Pantheon).

Defenders of nature wage a subtle war in Iskandar. For decades, outsiders have come to plunder the land of her wild treasures and take advantage of the native races. The druids of Iskandar have ever fought to confound such efforts. Among the Wildfolk—already fierce protectors of the land—some follow the path of the druid, using their magic to aid their people and live at peace with nature. Within the Thistlewood, the region’s eldest druidic circle works to overcome the malady that afflicts the heart of that wilderness. Small communities and individuals guard many other natural holdfasts, with the druids of the Azure Forest, Tall Forest, Cyren Forest, and the Crystalpeak Mountains being the most active. Beyond these groups, many of Iskandar’s druids are, in fact, strangers themselves, natives of other lands or agents of larger druidic circles who view Iskandar as unspoiled and deserving of protection. Iskandar’s druids are keenly sympathetic to the moods and whims of the land. To assist them, most local druids befriend creatures native to the region, typically beasts of the vast forests and hills, dire animals of the mountains and plateau, or the numerous indigenous creatures unknown beyond Iskandar’s northern mountains.

Many souls live and die by the blade in Iskandar, and numerous breeds of warrior do battle upon its soil. The warrior tribes of the Wildfolk teach their children the basics of the axe and greatsword, giving them the knowledge to hunt for and defend their tribe. The Wood-Elves of Thistlewood cultivate their people’s ancient skill with bows and long blades to defend their forest homes. In the foothills of the Crystalpeaks Mountains, dwarven warriors heft the axes of their fathers and wear rune-carved ancestral armor to guard their mines and forges. The Variags sailing from the Thalar Islands clash their axes against the swords of the northern Baronies of Iskandar. In the rural countryside, local militias and town guards keep the peace in numerous communities, while the soldiers of Iskandar ever seek to spread the colors of the king, through recruitment and training. And wherever there is such need, mercenaries and adventurers sell their swords to anyone with the coin to pay.

While found elsewhere on Corwyn, no martial monastic tradition holds strong ties to Iskandar. Despite Iskandar’s lack of true monasteries and organized fighting schools, there are still some who call themselves monks and practice techniques of battle from foreign lands. Traveling alongside clerics of Atanavar, monks devoted to self-perfection and the lethality of the body guard their brethren in the faith. Travelers from the Far East; the lands of Kurand and Yamada, and other exotic locales sometimes appear in Natharos, bringing with them the occult battle arts of their people.

Although Iskandar lacks much of the social structure that typically gives rise to knightly orders, this lawlessness makes the need for paladins and honorable warriors all the greater. When barbarians and monsters menace those who would live and toil in peace, few stand to come to such peoples’ aid. To protect their faithful and spread their teachings among the faithless, several religions have sent their champions to Iskandar. The temples of Berevrom and Praxis hold particular interest in the land. Berevrom’s champions travel between the communities of the land, acting as wandering judges and law-bringers in their goal of forging a unified, law-abiding society from this land of savages and thieves. Those who follow Berevrom know the dangers and hardships faced by those alone on the fringes of civilization, and they go where they are needed, aiding in what ways they can. Although the militaristic arms of these churches appear most active, the faithful of all the deities of Corwyn can be found at work throughout the land. Beyond the servants of individual gods, members of a famous of paladins can also be found. The famed Silver Ravens, hailing from Derianor, can be found often in the kingdom, on some heroic mission or pilgrimage.

A wild land of untamed wildernesses and incredible beasts, rural Iskandar is an explorer’s paradise. Those with skill at hunting, tracking, and surviving in uncivilized places find their talents in great demand. In the south, rangers serve as some of the most active providers and protectors of numerous small communities. While others organized into bands in the employ of Wyn Falas and Natharos, guard and patrol whole regions for their masters. The local Wildfolk survive off the land, making skilled hunters and way-finders honored members of their communities. The rangers of the Thistlewood and Azure Forest also stealthily protect the leaf-shrouded homes of their people. Hunters in Iskandar face wildly different creatures depending on where they wander, with those trained to hunt such beasts finding no end of prey. Along the coastal and southern lands, deadly animals, vermin, goblins, and the occasional undead harass Iskandar’s civilized peoples. The forests, hills, and plateaus beyond play home to deadlier animals, savage humanoids, and fey, while within the land’s wildest realms dwell magical beasts, fierce dragons, and tribes of savage giants.

On the fringes of civilization, all manner of outlaws and opportunists flourish. Besides local Iskari cut-purses and pilferers, both Wyn Falas and Natharos host active organized criminal communities. The largest thieves’ guild; the Black Hand controls the underworld activity in both the large cities of Wyn Falas and Natharos, with interests on the city’s wealthy and elite, bilking and strong-arming merchants and unwitting foreigners. While few know who exactly controls Iskandar’s black market of spice, slaves, and illegal magics, none dare oppose them. Yet, perhaps the best-known den of thieves in Iskandar is the rough seaport of Natharos. Aside from criminals, those with quick wits and stealth might find all manner of work across Iskandar. Deft sleuths, scouts, and explorers might serve various city leaders, guilds, wealthy patrons, or a wide variety of organizations interested in Iskandar’s past.

Magic infuses the lands of Iskandar, and great destinies beckon those who hear the calling of their blood. Craved into countless monuments and inked upon the skin of its ancient peoples, symbols of ancient magic cover the land. The enigmatic Iskari know these runes best. Iskari families carefully watch their young for any signs of innate arcane ability and encourage even the faintest spark of the arcane. They view magic as part of their birthright, each knowing the elaborate symbols they inscribe upon their flesh to draw forth and enhance the power within their blood (see the Iskari Tattoo feat). While these markings give many of the users an exotic, even fearful appearance, Iskari see the trepidation of the ignorant as a paltry price to pay for access to the immortal powers of their ancestors. Aside from these seemingly magic-favored peoples, sorcerous skill arises haphazardly. Sorcerers are also found in number among both the Wood-Elves and gnomes, as is common for the fey-touched people.

Drawn to its arcane secrets and ancient sites of power, wizards the world over come to explore Iskandar. Among the native peoples, wizards are relatively rare—the Iskari favor sorcerous magic. Diverse other methods of magic have filled the gap left by native disinterest, however. In Wyn Falas, the city’s countless monuments have given rise to an interest in constructs and their creations, a fad enhanced by the new ruler of the city.

On the northern island of Cynara, the Veiled Society has their headquarters in an ancient fortress called Erôn-Khorlöth. Those who seek to learn magic or who require arcane advice can find hedge wizards, sages, and small shops of magical trinkets scattered throughout southern Iskandar. But more formal magic training is done only under the watchful eye of the Veiled Society. Certain rogue mages might perform any magical task—no matter how depraved—for the proper price.


The town of Sandpoint has faced many hardships but also great prosperity in its 250-year history. As a small town on the Lost Coast of the Wyn Myr; fishermen, farmers, and other simple folk make the community one of the rare truly peaceful havens in Iskandar. Yet, while the townsfolk have known dark times in the past, a new shadow has begun to loom over the unsuspecting town.

The Town:

Sandpoint is a simple, relatively peaceful coastal town with all the color and common oddities one expects from a tightly-knit community, Sandpoint sits at a point on the Wyn Myr Coast halfway between the large cities of Herronford and Wyn Falas. Wood buildings and cluttered docks line the town’s natural harbor, while farms and the manors of wealthy citizens dot the surrounding countryside.

During the day, fishing, farming, lumbering, glassmaking, and shipbuilding occupy most of the townsfolk, who commonly retire to their homes by way of Sandpoint’s many taverns. Sandpoint’s only landmark is the "Old Light," a lighthouse of ancient origins that lies in ruins. A relatively peaceful town, devoid of many of the dangers of a true frontier town and intrigues of a sprawling city. Other than an occasional goblin raid, or bandit attack. The town of Sandpoint remains a quiet coastal village.

Sandpoint Map-Key:

Map-Key to Town of Sandpoint:

1. Temple to Karmalok; High priest is Zathros
2. The Boneyard
3. The White Deer (Inn/tavern); owned by Garidan, guest is Aldern Foxglove
4. Curio Shop; owned by Veznos
5. Jeweler Shop; owned by Kesk
6. Junk pile
7. Gorvi’s shack, Gorvi is dungsweeper/junk man
8. Home of Brodert the Sage
9. Village Locksmith; owned by Nygel
10. Guard Barracks; Captain Berec Hemdal (commands 25 militia)
11. Sandpoint Town Hall; Baroness Kendra Deveran
12. Armorer shop; owned by Thorgrim
13. The Grinning Gargoyle (tavern); owned by Riza
14. Tannery; owned by Lars
15. Sandpoint Blacksmithy; owned by Korvin
16. General store; owned by Alister
17. Alchemy Shop; owned by Trask
18. Cracktooth’s (Tavern), owned by Jessie
19. Temple to Myrival; high priestess Sabryl
20. Korvas Glassworks; owned by Loren Korvas
21. Sandpoint Savories; owned by Alma
22. the Curious Goblin shop; owned by Haladan
23. Temple to Ethenghar; high priest Cyrek
24. Merchants' Guildhall; Guildmaster Harker
25. Valdemar Lumber Mill; owned by Ethram Valdemar, managed by Ibor Thorn
26. Vinder’s General store; owned by Ben Vinder, daughter is Shayliss
27. Temple to Ator; high priestess Ilsari
28. Home of Madame Mvashti (Fortune-teller)
29. Grocery; owned by Olmar
30. Tailor; owned by Ryshena
31. Cartwright; owned by Santagar
32. Scarnetti Lumber Mill; owned by Titus Scarnetti, managed by Caleb Vishki
33. the Hagfish (Tavern); owned by Quinn
34. Fish-market
35. Sandpoint Market
36. Town butcher; owned by Edric
37. The Rusty Dragon (Inn/tavern); owned by Amara Korvas. Barmaids: Shayliss, Bethana
38. Town stables; owned by Dario
39. Deveran Brewery; managed by Gavin Deveran
40. Shipwrights’ Guildhall; managed by Jasper
41. Boutique; owned by Ainslie
42. the Sly Fox (Tavern); owned by Gressel
43. the Pixie’s Kitten (Brothel); owned by Tesarani
44. the Feathered Serpent (Magic shop); owned by Shalia
45. Hannah the healer; owned by Hannah
46. Deveran Shipbuilding; managed by Fergus Deveran
47. Valdemar estate; Ethram Valdemar
48. Scarnetti estate; Titus Scarnetti
49. Korvas estate; Loren Korvas
50. Deveran estate; home to Baroness Kendra Deveran, Fergus Deveran, & Gavin Deveran

Important Sandpoint NPCs

Baroness Kendra Deveran: An attractive, middle-aged red-haired woman, who is the noble ruler of Sandpoint. She took over rulership when her father, Amos Deveran died nine years ago. Her younger brother, Gavin runs the family brewery. She is considered a fair and popular ruler. Her family, too, has been touched by tragedy. Her uncle Wade Deveran was murdered by the Chopper long ago.

Captain Berec Hemdal: An older man, with a long scar on his face, and a grim disposition. Berec is captain of the town guard, and is a no-nonsense individual. Some say he is plagued with guilt over the death of his predecessor, Captain Avertin; who was murdered right in front of Berec during the “Late Unpleasantness.” It’s best not to bring up such matters in his presence. Berec has been known to work with an Elven ranger named Shalelu on occasion, who keeps an eye on the hinterlands around Sandpoint

Zathros: The High-priest of Karmalok and the senior spiritual advisor to Sandpoint. He too was elevated to his position when his predecessor Ezekien died in a fire at the temple seven years ago.

Brodert: (called the Old Quirk) An elderly, balding human with a long white beard and spectacles, Brodert is quite a character around town. He served for many years in the Royal Archives at Wyn Falas, and came here six years ago to study the Old Light and the history of that ruin. He considers himself an expert in old Iskari lore, and loves to tell stories about the ancient Iskari Empire of Iskandar. He has many theories about the old light and the empire which other sages strongly disagree with. No one questions that Brodert is extremely intelligent, he speaks a dozen languages, cavorts with elvish and dwarvish visitors, and spends most of his time in his home, going over his vast collections of scrolls and parchments.

Amara Korvas: A beautiful raven-haired young woman; Amara is a former adventurer who returned to Sandpoint and bought the Rusty Dragon Inn. Her father is Loren Korvas, who owns the local glass-works and is rumored to be the wealthiest man in town. Amara runs the inn with her two barmaids, Bethana, a hundred-year old halfling, and Shayliss, a very attractive red-head with a slutty reputation.


Antharë: Neighboring nation of Grey-Elves, south of Iskandar
Ator: Corwyn's God of the Sun
Berevrom: Corwyn's God of Truth
• The Black Hand: Shadowy, powerful criminal underworld organization.
Corwyn: The continent where Iskandar and this adventure are located.
Ethenghar: Corwyn's God of Destiny, Travelers, fate.
Herronford: Large city located north of Sandpoint
Ikharos: Far-away continent that was once the home of the lost Iskari Empire
Iskandar: Large kingdom located in Western Corwyn. This kingdom is the setting for this adventure.
Iskari: Human ethnic group; originally from Ikharos, who long ago sailed across the ocean to Corwyn and established the kingdom of Iskandar.
Iskari Empire: lost Iskari civilization destroyed by Skyfall long ago. The survivors sailed across the ocean to Corwyn and founded Iskandar.
• King Iskhanar Brevald II: The current monarch of Iskandar. A popular king, who rules from his castle in the capital city of Wyn Falas.
Karmalok: Corwyn'sGod of Nature and the Harvest
Myrival: Corwyn's Goddess of the Sea
Natharos: Large seaport in eastern Iskandar. It has a seedy reputation, rumored to be the headquarters of the Black Hand.
Nerydia: Corwyn's Goddess of Magic.
Serathyr: A kingdom neighboring Iskandar and its rival for trade and resources.
Skyfall: A terrible meteor storm long ago on the continent of Iskandar, that destroyed the Iskari Empire
Wyn Falas: Large coastal city and capital of Iskandar
Wyn Myr: Ocean that separates the continent of Corwyn from the continent of Ikharos.

Welcome to the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, and welcome to Iskandar! In this adventure, your character will take up arms against the return of an ancient evil seeking to reclaim the land. Before you set out on your adventure, there are some things you should know that will aid you on your journey. In this guide, you’ll find helpful tips on designing your character, a selection of traits to help your character feel like a part of the world and the events of the campaign, and an overview of the lands your character will be visiting. Fight strong and keep your head, for your character might be the only thing keeping Iskandar—and even Corwyn—safe from doom!

Character Tips: A deadly threat is emerging in the Kingdom of Iskandar, and quietly gathering its forces. Only a group of cagey adventurers can put an end to this evil, and they’d better be prepared for what they face. The following tips can help when designing characters for Rise of the Runelords.

Ancient Lost Cultures: Since the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path reveals an ancient threat re-emerging into the world, characters skilled in Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (arcana) are best suited to putting the pieces together. Access to powerful magic at higher levels could be the key to survival, not just for the PCs, but also the entire world!

Dangerous Denizens: Rise of the Runelords brings player characters face to face with hundreds of monstrous threats. A prepared character should be suited to challenge monstrous humanoids, giants, magical beasts, and undead, and even greater threats at higher levels, such as evil outsiders and dragons.

Explorers: As the campaign moves throughout the Hinterlands of Iskandar, the player characters will encounter lost ruins. Characters with skill sets appropriate for adventuring in dungeons and crumbling ruins can give the party an edge. Knowledge (dungeoneering) and racial low-light vision or darkvison would be helpful in those dank and dark places. Since many of these locations have been warded and secured by their builders, a character who can bypass some of those protections just might help the party live to fight another day.

Giant Hunters: Rumors of giants mobilizing in the wilds of Iskandar are spreading, and the people of this frontierland need saviors. Player characters ready to take on threats like this are well suited to this Adventure Path. Into the Wilds: While some parts of this Adventure Path delve deep into ruins, much of the action is on the surface. Since northern Iskandar is largely an untamed frontier, characters who are good at dealing with natural threats and excel at finding their way in forests and mountains would be assets to an adventuring party.


Characters made for this campaign should have reasons for being in the town of Sandpoint, and all the better if they have a vested interest in defending it. Players may choose a single campaign trait which best suits their character.

Eager Performer: Hearing that Sandpoint has the popular Swallowtail festival coming up, you decided to try your luck getting some stage time there. After sending a letter to Zathros requesting an audition and not hearing back, you’ve taken it upon yourself to travel to Sandpoint and meet him in person, trusting your force of will and charming influence will get you what you want. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks for any one Perform skill. Additionally, choose any one spell of the enchantment school; its save DC increases by +1.

Family Ties: While not ethnically a Iskari, you have been raised among them and they consider you one of their own. Furthermore, you managed to get in good with a group of criminals and consider them your new family. After being run out of the last place your Korghani family camped, you tracked down a friend of the family in Sandpoint—a ruthless thug named Caleb Vishki. During your time with a criminal gang, you learned a few tricks of the trade. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (local) checks and Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you. In addition, you begin play able to speak and read iskari.

Friends and Enemies: A few years back, one of your family members helped the local militia put down a hostile tribe of goblins raiding Sandpoint. Sadly, the relative took a wound from a poisoned goblin arrow, which festered, and caused his death. Captain Berec Hemdal said there was always a place for you at the militia barracks. As a result of your family history, you have a bitter hatred for goblins, and gain +1 on attack rolls against all goblinoid creatures.

Giant Slayer: Your family’s village was plundered by giants in the wilds of Iskandar, leaving nothing but a smoldering ruin. After the destruction of your village, your family trained for combat against giants to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening again. Since hearing of giants mobilizing throughout the countryside, you ventured to Sandpoint to help the town prepare for a possible incursion. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff, Perception, and Sense Motive checks and +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against creatures of the giant subtype.

Hagfish Hopeful: Ever since passing through Sandpoint when you were a child and hearing about the contest at the popular tavern known as the Hagfish, you wanted to take that coin purse as your own and carve your name on the ceiling beam above the bar. Training yourself to choke down indigestible food and drink water a pig would refuse, you’ve built up quite a strong resistance to all things putrid and gross. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison.

Merchant Family: You are related to one of the four noble families from Sandpoint who founded its Mercantile League. You either grew up in the region as a distant cousin in the Valdemar or Deveran family or were born and raised in Sandpoint. Education in running a business and years of looking after the family enterprise have given you a knack for trade. You increase the gp limit of any settlement by 20% and can resell items at an additional 10% over the amount of gp you normally would get from selling off treasure.

Monster Hunter: Perhaps you came here in search of the infamous "Sandpoint Devil," or maybe you heard fishermen tell tales of "Old Murdermaw." Regardless, you’ve ventured throughout Iskandar to hunt down dangerous monsters. While they have all eluded you so far, you made it to Sandpoint to research and restock before heading back out into the wilderness. Because of your training, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against aberrations and magical beasts.

Scholar of the Ancients: Growing up with your nose in books, you’ve had a great interest in Iskari culture and ancient history. Furthermore, having grown up in Iskandar, you know well the lord that your forefathers traveled here from distant Ikharos, and you ancestors founded an ancient civilization known as the Iskari Empire. From your life of study and research, you’ve pieced together the ancient language and partial history of this once-great empire. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks, and begin play able to speak and read Iskamaic.

Student of Faith: While you have personally dedicated your life to a single deity, you study all religions and mortal faiths. Upon hearing that Sandpoint recently completed a new temple dedicated to all six deities most popular in the region, you had to see the place for yourself, and have arrived in time for the consecration of this holy edifice. Because of your strong faith and broad range of study, you cast all cure spells at +1 caster level, and whenever you channel energy, you gain a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of your channeled energy.