Rod of Seven Parts

The Rod of Seven Parts was an ancient and powerful magical artifact, formally known as "The Rod of Law".

Long ago, in the distant years of the Second Age, a race of elemental beings known as the Vaati were allied with the race of Elder-Elves in a conflict against the Dark-Elves; known as the War of Wrath.

To defeat their enemies, the Vaati created a powerful magical artifact they christened the "Rod of Law."

During the epic battle of Pesh, a Vaati hero named Icosiol wielded this weapon, and thrust it directly into the heart of one his enemies; a powerful Demon-Queen named the "Queen of Chaos."

When Icosiol thrust the rod into the Queen, it vanquished her, but shattered into seven fragmments.

After the battle, the seven individual segments were scattered by the Vaati across the world of Oris.

Each of the seven parts of the Rod possesed its own distinct powers.

The names of each segment were : "Ruat," "Caelum," "Fiat," "Justitia," "Ecce," "Lex," and "Rex," which collectively make up an ancient phrase that translates into" "Though heaven fall, let justice be done! Behold! Law is king!