Frostcrown Mountains (Salakrün Mts.)

This enormous mountain range; which men call the "Frostcrowns," and Dwarves call the "Salakrün", runs east from the southern base of the Saugreth-Muir mountain range. Beneath the mountains are the famous Bloodstone Mines and the lost Dwarven city of Krone Feyr.

The dwarves conquered these mountains in the Fourth Age and built the city of Krone Feyr underneath them. Over several centuries, the dwarves of Kronar worked the mines below the city, and the Bloodstones they discovered made them fabulously wealthy.

Eventually, the nation of Kronar and the city were destroyed by Alokkair's orc hordes, and the dwarves were either slain or driven into exile. For centuries, the mountains have been infested with innumerable orcs and goblins.

Today, the Frostcrowns serve as the almost impassable border between the nations of Gwynne and Drakhara. The only known passage is through the Ansilay Valley; home to the Freehold of Trevalia.

From the north, the only entrance to the Ansilay Valley from the north is through Morovar Pass. The only entrance from the south is Waymeet Pass.