
(population 67,000) Often called "the City of Thieves," Stormhaven is a bustling Orellian seaport, with a rather unsavory reputation. It is the fourth largest city in Orel, located along the western shores of the Thannish Estuary.

At different times in the city's history, it has been under the control of both Alveron and Gwynne. Because the city has been sacked and burned several times, it has both high walls and a large military garrison.

The city is accessible via the Stoneway, which connects it to Westgard Keep. There is also a ferry service that carries travelers to the Gwynnish city of Kholis, located on the eastern shores of the Estuary.

Because Stormhaven lies on its western border, many Gwynnish citizens live and work here. There is also a large Rynnish minority, who migrated from the neighboring Cimbar Hills.

The City is ruled by Grand Duchess Inara Andradi.

Prominent City Families

  • House Andradi
  • House Jyotis
  • House Krovas
  • House Merced
  • House Mitras
  • House Ranarsh
  • House Trelford

City History

Stormhaven has a history stretching back thousands of years. Its first settlers were a people known as the Vilshi. Little is known of them other than their penchant for worshipping the Dark Gods, and their seamanship. The only remnant of Vilshi culture is the series of ancient temples located near the river, flanking both Nun Street and the Street of the Thinkers. Known today as the "Forbidden Temples." These antediluvian structures of glossy dark stone and weathered pale rock were built long ago and the city founders beheld them with a mixture of profound respect and abject fear. Some say the city founders breached one of the temples and discovered the actual resting place of the Dark Gods of Corwyn. What eldritch bargains may have been struck in the mists of history will likely never be known, but the city and the eldritch fanes have dwelled in uneasy cohabitation ever since.

The Jagged Caverns: located below the city streets are a vast network of natural caverns and expertly carved passages. Whether these dungeons were dug by the Vilshi, or some subterranean race in unknown. Today, they serve as hideouts for thieves, dark cults, and smugglers.