Shadurians were an ancient human race who founded the lost civilization of Sha'Dur on Azoria.
The most famous Shadurian city was their beautiful capital of Garuda; which now lies in ruins. The famous Shadurian mages were known as the Iridescent Order.
The Shadurians gave the gift of enlightenment to the Eloysians, teaching King Tilvanos and his people literacy, science, magic, and philosophy.
Nearly all of modern Eloysian culture is derived from the Shadurians; including "Duric" the primary language spoken today on Azoria.
Ironically, in the year AR 237, the Eloysians eventually turned on their benefactors and invaded Sha'Dur; conquering them and utterly destroying their beautiful city of Garuda.
page revision: 21, last edited: 24 May 2021 01:14