The Silvar-Elves of Corwyn; commonly known as the "Silvar," or "Elder-Elves," were an ancient race who first migrated to Corwyn from Eryn Norvë at the beginning of the First Age and established a magnificent elven nation called Ectharë.
Before the Elder-elves were able to live in peace within their newly-established realm, they were forced into a catastrophic conflict against a Red-Dragon named Calegorax and his army of evil dragons. This terrible war between the elves and dragons dragged on for millennia.
After the Elves defeated Calegorax and his evil dragon army at the Battle of Merizath, the elven nation Ectharë, flourished for many centuries and became the greatest ancient civilization ever known.
During this period, the elves built four massive cities: their capital of Elutheria in the west, Saravôsh in the east, Therakan in the north, and Astrakan in the south. The elves also built four smaller cities: Alarë, Selunë, Starfall, and Wyn Falas.
But this elven paradise was eventually shattered by civil war, when a faction of evil elves tried to overthrow its rightful King. By the end of the Second Age, the Elven Civil War ended, but it resulted the complete collapse of the elven kingdom of Ectharë, and cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
In the wake of this catastrophe, the Silvar-Elves splintered into various groups that have, over the ages, evolved into several different sub-races of elves. In Elvish lore, this event is called the "Sundering."
The ten Elven sub-races in existence today
- the Dark-Elves (Dro-vhar)
- the Desert-Elves (Shar'ii)
- the Grey-Elves (Grafyr)
- the High-Elves (Malindi)
- the Jungle-Elves (Cha'hasi)
- the Rockseer-Elves (Qua'lindi)
- the Sea-Elves (Aquaväe)
- the Sky-Elves (Avariel)
- the Wild-Elves (Nil'yani)
- the Wood-Elves (Ta'lari)