Tar Vielca

(Population: 94,000) Tar Vielca is a large independent city-state located on Narrow Isle, west of the continent of Azoria; infamous for its long history of sea raiding and conquest, and as the home of the notorious Corsairs.

Long ago, the city was an important colony of the Eloysian Empire, but after the fall of that empire, its culture became a hybrid of both Vilzari and Eloysian cultures and traditions.

Tar Vielcans have always been a fierce and aggressive people. What they couldn’t build or create, they simply took from others.

The City-State has long been associated with piracy, where it is not a crime but rather an honor to steal and pillage from others.

Tar Vielcan pirates, commonly called "Corsairs," are legendary for their seamanship and their cruelty. Those not murdered during Corsair attacks are carried off as slaves.

Corsair vessels from Tar Vielca are distinguishable by their black-painted hulls and black sails, emblazoned with the city's coat of arms: a large green sea-monster upon a sable field.

It is said that Shah Khofhar Sateri; the current ruler of Tar Vielca, has a force of over 250 Corsair vessels at his disposal, and an army of nearly 50,000 men under his command.


Local History

Long ago, the most notorious raider in Corwyn's history; The legendary Pirate-King hailed from this city-state.

For many years the Pirate King and his great fleet of Corsair Ships raided Kingdom of Ralas, causing the War of the Corsairs.

The Pirate-King was finally defeated in the year 1244/4, at the Battle of Volnar Strait. But during that same battle, King Malenvar Sanborn III was lost as well, ending the Sanborn Dynasty.

Over the centuries, the Corsairs of Tar Vielca have returned to pillage coastal regions of both Rennsfar and Serathyr. These conflicts came to known as the first and second Wars of the Saltmarsh.