Tarxian Wars

The Tarxian Wars were a series of successful military campaigns, waged by a very young young Emperor Al'Dur Kharata, as he expanded his newly-founded Eloysian Empire.

The Tarxian Wars were named after King Tarxian of the City-State of Oriad, which, at that time, was a strong regional power, locaterd south of Sanjakar.

The conflict was provoked when King Tarxian openly defied the treaties set forth by Queen Lorica several years earlier.

The city state of Oriad was later joined by King Satiro of the City-State of Eriskhar, who deployed his own armies in a desperate and futile effort to contain the Eloysian threat. The wars began in the year AR 003 and ended in AR 008.

King Tarxian was ultimately slain in the Battle of Khamesh and his city was captured and sacked by the Eloysians in the year AR 006. King Satiro showed better wisdom than Tarxian. Two years later, in AR 008, he bent the knee and surrendered his city of Eriskhar to Al'Dur.