Wood-Elves (the Ta'lari)

The Wood-Elves, or "Ta'lari," in their native tongue, are one of the several elven sub-races created by the Sundering.

These elves now live in secluded areas of various forests and woodlands because their once great civilization of Thekarë was destroyed in the Fourth Age. The Wood-Elves are the second most common elf on Corwyn, making up 25% of the elvish race.


Wood-Elves resemble most other elven races in terms of their facial features, but their complexion is much darker with tan, dusky skin. Most Wood-Elves have either brown or black hair. Wood-Elf eyes are either gray, green, or blue They are shorter than other elves, being about 5 to 5 1/2 feet tall, and, like all elven races, have a wiry, slender build. They like to wear hooded cloaks, tunics and soft leather armors, which are always colored in shades of gray, green, and brown. Wood-Elves are ruggedly handsome by human standards, and are much physically stronger than other elves.


As a people, Wood-Elves are largely seen as calm and level-headed. Arousing strong emotions in wood elves is not something easily done; although many do have a strong aversion for large cities, having lost the passion for urbanization after the fall of Thekarë. To Wood-Elves, the trappings of civilization, including the mightiest of fortresses or tallest walls, are transient and impermanent things that will eventually be overcome by the long processes of nature. To many, this attitude seems condescending, weakening the bonds between Wood-Elves and other races. Additionally, Wood-Elves can sometimes seem off-putting compared to other elven races. Wood-Elves also possess a gruff manner that makes them less charismatic, despite their avowed compassion and humility.

Although a proud people, Wood-Elves have always felt that compassion is a greater virtue than strength and wood elven realms are less concerned with expansion than they are with maintaining amiable relations with their neighbors. Wood-Elves are not nomadic, as is common amongst the Wild-Elves; however the Wood-Elves organize themselves into scattered, carefully concealed villages; united under a ruling hierarchy composed of village councils. These councils consist of the eldest members of the most distinguished families in the community. These councils were often advised by local elven druids, whose influence plays a crucial part in wood elven politics and who frequently serve as the webbing that binds any number of villages together as one realm.


Compared with other elven races, Wood-Elves have a notable disinterest in the arcane arts. To a Wood-elf, wizard's spells were little different from the mason's castle walls or the tiller's plow; a means of controlling the natural world, which was contrary to the common ethic of living in harmony with nature, rather than trying to dominate it. Therefore, the use of these arts violates the values so many Wood-Elves espouse. As such, wood-elf adventurers are more likely to take on careers that do not require the use of arcane magic.

In particular, many of these elves are drawn to the path of the fighter, the ranger, or the rogue; relying on their natural-born skills to overcome obstacles. Compared with other Elven races, very few Wood-Elves go on to become wizards. The one major exception to the Wood-Elves' taboo on arcane magic was the "Arcane Archer;" a class proficiency quite popular among them. Other Wood-Elves from more remote areas have sometimes been drawn to the ways of the barbarian, while many religious Wood-Elves became druids. For Wood-Elves; clerics are often seen in much the same light as wizards.


The greatest civilization of the Wood-Elves was Thekarë; but that elven nation was destroyed in the Fourth Age. Today, Wood-Elves can still be found in almost every major woodland region in Corwyn; except the Melinar Forest.