Capital: Ul-Karad (population: 37,000)
Population: 2,371,000 (73% Üthrari, 26% Hakeen, 1% other)
Demi-humans: none
Humanoids: few
Government: Tyrannical Theocracy
Current Leader: The Overlord (real name unknown)
Coat of Arms: a black serpent centered on a dark red field
Exports: slaves, livestock, salt, weapons, armor, mercenaries
This barbaric realm is a primitive society of serpent worshipping and war mongering primitive people.
The capital of Üthrar is the large city of Ul-Karad, within which is the large castle of Ul-Gurthok; the royal citadel for its kings.
The realm of Üthrar is bordered on the north by the realm of Drakhara, and on the south by the coast of the Sea of Orel.
Üthrar’s western border with the kingdom of Gwynne is the Knifewood and the base of the Frostcrown Mountains and its eastern border is the vast region known as the Vakara Grasslands.
Because of its constant thirst for conquest, Üthrar maintains both a large standing army of nearly 30,000 troops and a large navy of 48 warships, but through conscription can field up to 150,000 troops in time of war.
Life & Society
Life for Üthrari people is one of devout devotion to a primitive snake-worshipping cult, a warlike society, bent on plunder and conquest, and the cruel domination of an entire race of men. Most Üthrari live in small villages made of mud huts, and live simple lives.
Their culture is quite primitive compared to the lavish cultures of the West. The leaders of Üthrar, called the "Overlords," soon realized that they could use the fanatical beliefs of their subjects to keep order and rule them with an iron fist.
So, today, the priests of Tangenrog control the people and are essentially agents of the rulers in Ul-Karad. The Üthrari people also love conquest, and in the Fourth and Fifth Ages, conquered the peaceful and cultured civilization of the Xholar Empire.
The Hakeen people can still be found today throughout Üthrar and the Vakara Grasslands. But they are a slave race, completely dominated by their Üthrari taskmasters.
Almost every Üthrari family owns at least one slave, and it is a sign of wealth and station to have many slaves. Whole cities and agricultural crops are built and tended by armies of the hapless Hakeen, as well as slaves imported from many other parts of the world.
Sadly, thousands of slaves are annually sacrificed by Üthrari priests to appease their serpent God; Tangenrog.
Üthrar has few distinctive mountains or even hills, but it has thousands of square miles of endless grasslands and a rich and fertile coastal region, the only major cities are the capitol of Ul-Karad and the city of Ul-Samad, long assimilated into Üthrari culture.
The crops grown here feed almost all of Drakhara and many regions of Kurand as well. Because of this Üthrar has a powerful position in the East.
Important Sites
Ul-Gurthok: large castle that serves as the citadel of the barbaric kings of Üthrar. The castle is located near the city of Ul-Karad. The castle is in poor repair and unspeakable acts of torture and barbarism have taken place within its dungeons. It is currently home to the mysterious "Overlord."
Ul-Karad: (population: 57,000) capital of Üthrar, major seaport, and a barbaric and fearful urban center, ruled by fear and superstition. The city is accessible via the Slaver’s Road from the west, which connects it to the Gwynnish city of Renford.
Ul-Karad Road: Also called the Slaver’s Road; this road runs between Renford and Ul-Karad
Ul-Samad: (population: 29,000) major city in the kingdom of Üthrar, with a population of 29,000. The city is accessible via the Durendar Road which leads south to Durendar and the Stoneway, which leads west to Ul-Karad. The city is presently corrupt and filled with misery and decay. This ancient city was once called Zocolo; it was part of the Kratheri civilization.
Local History
Üthrar is a land with a dark and bloody history.
In the Fourth Age, the Üthrari tribes united under the city-state of Ul-Karad. They then raised giant, brutal armies and expanded their territory into the east and south, conquering and destroying the vast Hakeen civilization that existed there before.
Within a few hundred years, the only Hakeen enclave left was the coastal city-state of Zhin. All other Hakeen cities and towns were erased and their people forced into servitude by the hundreds of thousands. The Üthrari at first profited hugely from the sales of their captives all across the East and to the Bronze Coast.
Over the centuries, the Üthrari culture began to rely on these slaves for everything except warfare. The entire country depends on both their labor and the income from slave sales. Ul-Karad soon became the slave-trading capitol of Corwyn. Because of their evil and dark nature, and their superstitious beliefs in the Serpent-God Tangenrog, Üthrar has always been an easy target for domination by neighboring Drakhara.
In fact the Üthrari Overlords were easily bought or cajoled by sorcery into serving in every major war in the East. Their armies have fought alongside Drakhara in every conflict since the War of the Elanthir.
The Üthrari have served under Alokkair, Sorimmar, and all seven of the Zûl kings when they ruled the East.