(621-625/5) The War of the Cataclysm was a horrific conflict between the Ravinian Empire, a Gwynnish rebel army led by Malachar Vilmartine, and an alliance of the realms of Drakhara, Vilzar, Üthrar, Kurand, and Thûle.
The war began with the murder of the Empress Ravinia, the theft of the Orenthir, and the simultaneous invasion of the Empire from the north, east, and south. Within a few weeks, the capital of Arynäe was besieged and sacked. After their initial victories, however, the armies of Sorimmar had less success.
His army’s attempts to breach the Melinar Forest were unsuccessful, and in the south, his siege of Eldarand and Rin Falar failed as well. Over the next several months, the Sorimmar's armies marched west until they were stopped along the eastern banks of the Anglarand River by Imperial forces and their dwarvish allies at the Battle of Fessenden.
Over the next three years, Sorimmar’s armies were forced back until they were annihilated at the battle of Harkalad. During this final battle, Sorimmar and his allies were ultimately defeated but the Ravinian Empire itself was destroyed and an age of anarchy fell upon the West. This terrible war not only ended the Ravinian Empire, but destroyed several royal bloodlines of kingdoms within its borders as well.
The following kings were slain in this conflict:
- Beren Alaghon III of Marundi
- Alexian Montero II of Ralas
- Cedric Karston II of Amar
- Elrovar Myrnäe III of Alveron
- Aden Valencio of Eldara
- Galen Gwynnett of Gwynne
- Inzaril Blackburn III of Iskandar