(1240-1244/4) The War of the Corsairs was a long and brutal conflict between the kingdom of Ralas and the Corsairs of Tar Vielca.
The war began in the year 1240/4, when the infamous Pirate-King of Tar Vielca ordered raids upon the Ralani coastal regions by fleets of ships carrying brutal, Eloysian pirates called "Corsairs."
These bloody raids lasted five long years, growing in size and brutality. Whole regions of what came to be called the "Pirate Coast" were left nearly un-populated; their peoples either slain or carried off as slaves.
These raids continued until the year 1244/4; when the Pirate-King was killed and his fleet destroyed at the Battle of Volnar Strait. It was here, the kingdom of Ralas won a great victory against the Corsairs in an epic naval confrontation involving hundreds of vessels and thousands of soldiers.
Sadly, King Malenvar Sanborn III; the last monarch of his Dynasty and his Melanthir sword; Darkslayer, were lost at sea during that epic battle.
Even today, there is still much lingering hatred among ethnic Ralani of both Serathyr and Rennsfar toward Eloysians, over those brutal coastal raids from so long ago.